The Club is a Mexican television crime drama series that was first released in the year 2019. Camila Ibarra directs the series, and the storyline revolves around a group of youngsters who are involved in drug trafficking through an application. The problem arises when this group has to contact powerful people. The series is produced by Argos Comunicacion and is available for streaming on Netflix currently.
The series was much appreciated by the audience and has received some good reviews as well. The series is widely appreciated for its strong storyline as well as a good picturization song with some of the finest actors gracing the series.
What do You Need to Know Before Watching it?
The Club is a 2019 released Mexican crime drama series and has a total of 25 episodes. The series revolves around a group of young people who get involved in drug trafficking, and the real problems arise when they have to contact some high-end people for their business. The show is aced by some of the fine actors who have done justice to their roles, and the exquisite locations and the gripping storyline have kept the audience hooked and wanting to know more.
The show is a crime drama around drug trafficking, and this is a widely explored genre. How much the series has been able to justice to the plot is what might keep the audience hooked and wanting to know more. The suspenseful storyline of what it is that has caught the youngsters in big trouble and who is behind it is what one needs to look for in the series.
When is it Releasing?
The series was already released on November 15, 2021, on the digital streaming platform Netflix and is currently available on Netflix across different countries.
Where to Watch It?
The Club was first released on November 15, 2019, and is now available for streaming on Netflix. Whether or not the series is available for streaming on any other digital streaming platform is not known yet and can be watched on Netflix exclusively.
Who is in the Cast?
The cast of The Club includes Alejandro Speitzer, who plays the character of Pablo Caballero, Minnie West, who plays the character of Sofia, Jorge Caballero who plays the character of Matias, Ana Gonzalez Bello, who plays the character of Ana, Axel Arenas, who plays the character of Jonas, Arcelia Ramirez who plays the character of Maria, and Alejandro Puente who plays the character of Santiago.
Juan Rios who plays the character of Monkey, Martin Saracho, Vicente Tamayo, Aurora Gil who plays the character of Lola, Estrella Solis who plays the character of Penelope, Martha Julia who plays the character of Regina Caballero, Ignacio Tahhan who plays the character of Gonzalo Cisneros, and Marco Antonio who plays the character of Diego.