only Murders in the Building is an American comedy-mystery drama series that was first aired on August 31, 2021. The show is critically acclaimed and has received positive reviews so far. The plotline revolves around three strangers whose characters are played by Selena Gomez, Martin Short and Steve Martin who are obsessed with a true-crime podcast and the murder in their building gives them an opportunity to follow the investigation and start their own shows.
Selena Gomez plays the character of Mabel Mora, who is a young woman who stays in an unfinished apartment in the Arconia and she claims that she is renovating it for her aunt. Mabel is obsessed with making a true-crime podcast and she jumps into a murder investigation along with Martin Short and Steve Martin, who are her neighbours and share the same interest.
Selena Gomez’s Transformation
Selena Gomez, the famous American singer is not a new face on television as well. She is already getting a lot of positive responses for her role of Mabel Mora in the comedy-mystery series Only Murders in the Building. Mabel Mora is a young woman who is disillusioned and has her own dark secrets as compared to the comical aura of her neighbors Oliver and Charles and she has a huge obsession for a true-crime podcast.
Her dynamic character in the show has brought forward a completely different side of the American Pop Star who did absolute justice to the character of Mabel Mora. Gomez had debuted with Barney& Friends on the Disney channel, however, she became quite popular after her role of Alex Russo in Wizards of the Waverly Palace.
She gained a lot of appreciation for bringing authenticity to the character and she went on to star in some movies such as Princess Protection Program, Monte Carlo and Ramona, and Beezus along with some famous shows like Spring Break and The Dead Don’t Die.
She went on to become a highly successful pop star and has a number of superhits to her name such as Love You Like A Love Song, Hands to Myself, Stars Dance, Revival, De Una Vez, and BailaConmigo. Her transformation from a teen star to a celebrity and a pop star has not only gained her a huge fan base but also has proved her mettle whatever she does and the character of Mabel Mora surely does justice to this.
Only Murders in a Building: Where to Watch and What is it About?
Only Murders in the Building was first aired on August 31, 2021, on digital streaming platform Hulu. It was also premiered on Disney + on the same day and the series is also available on Disney+ Hotstar in selected areas starting from September 3, 2021. The series had an international release and episodes are supposed to be released on a weekly basis. The plotline revolves around three strangers whose characters are played by Selena Gomez, Martin Short and Steve Martin who are obsessed with a true-crime podcast and the murder in their building gives them an opportunity to follow the investigation and start their own shows.