Pieces of Her is an upcoming American thriller television series which is composed by Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans. Created by Charlotte Stoudt, this series is based on the popular thrilling novel ‘Pieces of Her’. On 5th February 2019, the film was renewed and in may 2020 the cast of the film was confirmed for the show.
The production of the movie started on 16th March 2020 and was wrapped in July of the same year. The shooting for the first season of this thrilling series took place in the beautiful land of Sydney and Australia. The storylines of the series revolve around Andy and her mother Laura.
Furthermore, it focuses on how Andy resolves the mystery surrounding her mother Laura. If you are also curious about this upcoming thriller show ‘Pieces of Her’, here is all you need to know.
Release Date of the Show
This American thriller series is all set to release on 4th March 2020. The series consists of a total of 8 episodes for season 1. All the episodes of season 1 will release on the same day. All these eight episodes of the current season are directed by Minkie Spiro and have a running time of fifty to sixty minutes.
Cast of the Show
This series includes many amazing and talented actors of Hollywood including Jacob Scipio and Aaron Jeffery. Toni Collette and Bella Heathcote are playing the main character of the movie. Tonie is acting as Laura Oliver while Bella is portraying the character of Andy Oliver.
Tony is a gorgeous Australian actress and is famous for her roles in the movie Nightmare Alley and Sage Florence. We will also get to see David Wenham playing Jasper Queller and Joe Dempsie acting as Nick in the show. Also, Jessica Barden will play the role of Jane and Omari Hardwick as Gordon Oliver. We can Jacob Scipio portraying Michael Vargas in the upcoming series.
Where to watch it Online?
This upcoming thriller show is available to stream on its official platform Netflix. The trailer video of the series is already out on Netflix and YouTube. You can watch the trailer and enjoy the series on Netflix along with the subscription on 4th March according to your regional timing.
Should You Stream It Or Skip It?
Well, you should definitely Stream this amazing thriller show ‘Piece of Her’. The plot of the show is very thrilling as well as exciting which will keep you at the end till the end of the series. If you enjoy watching thriller movies with suspense, you will definitely finish all eight episodes in one go.
However, if you are looking for romance, then you will be a bit disappointed with the series. Overall, it’s a good watch for thriller lovers, and the mystery surrounding Laura and the journey of Andy will surely keep you fascinated throughout the end of the series.