Professor Willow might grant gamers a fresh range of Mischief Unbound Extra Research beginning November 26 after he uncovers a mystery container and poem beside his laboratory. Every gamer who has finished the season-long Misunderstood Mischief Special Research tale by December 1 at 9:59 a.m. local time would be eligible for this new Special Research.
Anybody who doesn’t feel they’ll be capable of completing the current season’s longest exploration in that timeframe can purchase a $4.99 ticket for said Mischief Unbound Special Research storyline, which will be accessible in the store until December 1 at 9:59 a.m. local time.
Table of Contents
ToggleAccess And Event Tickets

With one more event, Pokémon Go’s Season of Mischief comes to a close, revealing much more wicked Pokémon, along with the actual form of the Mischief Pokémon.
Mischief Unbound is indeed a one-of-a-kind event, except that the quest it revolves here can be completed for free if you’ve met the event’s other prerequisites.
Niantic also stated that you could always buy a ticket regardless if you’ve activated the game for free, implying that you can play it again and earn double its benefits.
The Event Quest Steps In The Pokemon Go
The grand prize is unleashing Hoopa Unbound, a secondary Hoopa type that costs 10,000 Stardust and 50 Hoopa Candy. After completing Step 2 of the tasks, this activates. The event has no expiry date. You have to follow a set of three steps for the quest steps.
Tasks On Field Research
You can obtain a handful of field research jobs by turning PokéStops during the Mischief Unbound event on Pokémon Go. Those activities could be stored and done after the event is over, so please keep them.
How many pokemon you catch and transfer is all that matters.
Activities, Event Dates, And Bonuses

Mischief Unbound takes place from Friday, November 26, from 10 a.m. local time until Monday, November 29 at 8 p.m. local time. Count on your raid hours and so on. you can engage in numerous rewards and games in addition to the story; it is not whether players have permission to the mission.
You can count on raid hours and spotlight hours, the spotlight hours of the days are for Rattata, Sableye, Pikachu, Beldum.
What Should You Expect From The Event As A Gamer?
Pokemon Go has always been a great time spent on the event. It is an eagerly waiting game to have the time of their life—a globally popular thriller game franchise. And the game has different age groups of people playing it. The time you spend on it passes by quickly and makes you forget about real life. It is very engaging; if you are a fan of the game, do not miss the event planned for four days. We assure you that the vent is going to be mind-boggling
Have fun playing the game; gamers don’t have to be just kids. it is all the heads!