Pokémon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle is a Japanese anime film directed by Satoshi Tajiri and produced by OLM that was released in 2020. It is inspired by Satoshi Tajiri’s Pokémon media property. It is the Pokémon universe’s twenty-third film, and it covers Generation VIII. Instead of the CGI graphics shown in Mewtwo Strikes Back: Evolution, the movie restores the franchise’s classic 2D visual technique. It includes a sparkling Celebi and the new Generation VIII Mythical Pokémon Zarude.
Is The Movie Airing On October 8?
Toho premiered the movie on December 25, 2020, in Japan. Owing to the COVID-19 outbreak in Japan, the intended premiere date of July 10, 2020, was postponed. On October 8, 2021, the upcoming film on Netflix globally (except Japan, Korea, and China). Gamers of Pokémon Sword and Shield might obtain the Mythical Pokémon Zarude in its “Dada” guise and a Shiny Celebi if they preordered reservations for the movie’s opening for a short time span.
What Should You Know About The Plot?
A tribe of Mythical Pokémon Zarude lives hidden beneath the Woods of Okoya in this unique anime contingency, where they follow a stringent law that prohibits anyone from accessing their domain. Koko, a humanoid kid, raised by a lone Zarude who left the tribe, dwells alone in the forest. Koko has always known he is a Zarude, but a fortuitous encounter with Ash and Pikachu provides Koko with his first humanity companion.
Is Koko a genuine Pokémon? Is he a person, or is he a robot? When the forest is threatened, the connections among Pokémon and humans—as well as parent-child love—will be sorely tested.
Afterward, Ash, Pikachu, and Koko run across Zarude, who is compelled to expose the facts about Koko’s origins. Zarude takes them to an old experimental house which he discovered soon after fostering Koko, where he shows them an image of a baby Koko with his real family. Zarude then walks away, heading alone to the Great Tree. When Ash discovers that Koko has links to the Biotope Company, he takes her to their offices to speak with Dr. Zed.
Koko’s mom and dad are Chrom and Rin Molybden, researchers who spearheaded the group’s investigation into the healing pools, and Koko’s true name is Al Molybden, according to Zed. Chrom and Rin, on the other hand, were dead in a vehicle crash ten years ago, and it was assumed that Al was dead as well. When Zed analyzes Koko’s amulet, he finds slightly damaged information that shows a picture of the Great Tree. Koko, devastated by his parents’ deaths, escapes to the Great Tree as well.
Koko, on the other hand, uncovers a monitoring device put on him by Dr. Zed as soon as he approaches the Great Tree. Zed appears with a huge, tentacle-like tank and his research crew, which Team Rocket has infiltrated. Koko and Ash attempt to halt Zed’s activities, but he uses his Ariados to bind them and toss them into the back of one of his vans. He then launches rockets against the Great Tree, busting big holes through which freshwater comes.
Following the battle, humans and Pokémon labor together to repair the forest’s devastation.