Purple Hearts is an upcoming young adult movie with the theme of romance, humanity, and music. The movie is an adaptation of the 2018 novel of the same name by Tess Wakefield. The movie’s script has been written and developed by Kyle Jarrow, who is the nominee for Tony Award and Liz Garcia. Elizabeth Allen Rosenbaum will direct the movie. Leslie Morgenstein and Elysa Dutton produce the movie Purple Hearts. The movie has young actors and actresses, and we will be watching Sofia Carson and Nicholas Galitzine in the main lead.
The Plot of the Movie
The plot of the movie will be revolving around Cassie Salazar (Sofia Carson) and Luke Morrow (Nicholas Galitzine). Cassie is an intelligent and smart girl, and she works hard at a bar in Austin, Texas, to make her ends meet while she is pursuing her passion and goal of becoming a successful singer and songwriter. Luke Morrow is an army trainee, and he will be assigned on a mission and will ship out for his duty.
These two characters met at the bar where Cassie works, and it changes their lives. Being diagnosed with diabetes, Cassie is drowning in medical bills. She meets with her old friend Frankie, who is currently enlisted in the army. She tries to strike a deal to marry Frankie so that she can get better medical insurance, but he turns down her offer.
However, his friend Luke Morrow volunteers to marry Cassie because Luke was desperate to get married. After all, he had his own reasons. Cassie and Luke must set aside their differences so that they can make their marriage look like a real one, but somewhere along the way, it becomes beautiful and true.
Update About the Movie
In order to expand the library of the young adult genre, Netflix has decided to work with singer and actress Sofia Carson for an upcoming movie called the Purple Hearts, and it will be a romance-based movie. The film was supposed to get into production sometime in August 2021, as per the reports from production Weekly, and the film was supposed to be shot in San Diego and Riverside, California.
On September 27, 2021, Netflix updated the cast of Purple Hearts. We can see Chosen Jacobs, John Harlan King, Anthony Ippolito, Kat Cunning, Sarah Rich, Scott Deckert, and Linden Ashby in the updated cast. Initially, Netflix presented Sofia Carson and Nicholas Galitizine as the cast of the movie. The movie’s original songs will be written and produced by Justin Tranter, and Sofia Carson will be co-writing and performing additional music.
Release Date and Where to Watch
Purple Hearts is an upcoming romantic movie, and it is currently in production. The film is supposed to be released next year sometime in 2022, probably in the second or third quarter of the year. Since there have been no massive updates regarding the movie’s production, the release date is an assumption. The movie is supposed to be a Netflix original and is an exclusive movie from Netflix. It means that other renowned OTT platforms such as Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Disney+ Hotstar, YouTube TV, or HBO Max.
The film will most probably be released globally on Netflix only because it avails its streaming service in almost every country of the world. Since this movie is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Tess Wakefield, the readers of the novel are equally excited to watch the movie. As a reader, I have enjoyed the plot development and the novel’s characters so that everyone will be having high expectations from the film.