This is an American psychological thriller series that relates to the suspense that is created about a nurse of the asylum named Mildred Ratched. This nurse had come all the way to northern California to search for a job, and there she ended up finding one at the psychiatric hospitals. Being a rather established institution, some experiments were going on. They had a lot of findings to do and discover. Presently they were experimenting on the human mind.
On a mission, this nurse wishes to give her best and set an example of the duties and responsibilities of a good and ideal nurse. But there’s always a drawback when she tries to do something good for the people there. She works hard for the people out there, but she also chooses to serve the mental health care system with her services. But it goes in vain. Each time she tries to bring something up, she’s pushed down.
Though she puts up a very stylish and attractive exterior, very little is known about the storms she’s handling within herself without letting anyone know about their whereabouts. But only what’s going on within her proves that monsters are not born in this world; rather, they are made after they are born here.
Season 2 for this Series
The series would officially return with a second season for the beloved viewers who made it amongst the lost watches series of 2020. But there’s no announcement regarding the date of release. According to the reports, we have it that this season 2 might have a total of 10 episodes. And according to the sources, this series might conclude up with all the content in the second season.
So it’s a complete watch for those who follow up on this show. And for those who are curious, we have the whole of the first season lined up for you on Netflix; please grab your comfortable chair and do watch them before the dawn of the second season. More or less, we can count on 2022 for the official release year for this season as the first season dawned last year, so we might as well give them some time to do away with the production and other work for season 2.
Expected Plot for the Show
Though there’s some real scarcity of details for this particular question, we might just want to pick up from the previous seasons and those interviews that give away subtle hints of the plot. According to some interviews, it has been heard that this season might include a lot of heartbreaks and pathos and will also reach out to explore the side of Mildred Ratched that was a secret to the others.
And for this show to continue with the seasons, it might have to draw back from the very roots of the show. Or rather it would go back to the film that inspired the beginning of this show: one flew over the cuckoos.