Created by Chris Nee and directed by John Musumeci alongside Rob Byrne, Ridley Jones is a Netflix original animated series. Premiered for the first time in July 2021, the show became a hit among the children, mainly because the character itself- Ridley was a pre-school kid who went on several fantasy-driven adventures.
The story follows Ridley, a curious kid, and her group of friends protecting the “Museum of Natural History,” the treasures, and all the secrets and mystical occurrences that come along with it. Does anyone else get the smell of Ben Stiller’s ‘Night In The Museum’ too? The show is currently on its third season. So let’s find out if it is hìt or a miss for your toddlers.
Should You Stream It or Skip It?
We know how much you love your little ones, and we also know how important brain development is during those growing years. Ridley Jones is an excellent start to getting your little ones to focus on learning. So naturally, a children’s animation will come oozing with values, and this show is no different.
The curious nature of Ridley to learn new things every day also encourages your kids to become familiar with a lot of new exciting facts from the past. So, in our opinion, STREAM IT! Ridley Jones S3 is a simple and heartwarming series with a storytelling appeal to make you binge-watch it, and don’t be surprised if you too get attracted towards it along with your child. It is that good!
What do Our Critics have to Say?
Ridley Jones came back for the third time, and she is as good as her first day. The creators of the show Chirs Nee and the directors’ Rob Byrne and John Musumeci, deserve a whole separate round of accolades in their subtle treatment of sensitive topics imbibing them in their story so seamlessly. Hence, the children developed a very natural outlook towards it from the very beginning.
Be it choosing the lead as a female breaking the stereotypical thinking that only boys can have adventures or having a gender-fluid bison as one of its leads. These small and woke moments further elevate the show higher than the other modern-day animations.
Cast and Where to Watch it?
The cast is more or less the same as that of Ridley Jones, season 1 or season 2, with Ira Nemirovsky playing the lead role of Ridley. Ezra Menas plays Fred. Tyler Shammy, Ashlyn Madden, LaraineNewaman, and David Errigo Jr. the roles of Dante, Ismat, Peaches, and Dudley, respectively.
The six-episode show is a Netflix original and will air on it. After two successful seasons, the show is coming out with its third installment on February 15, 2022. So be prepared for more new adventures and learn new facts with Ridley and her friends
What to Expect from Season 3?
The story is being kept air-tight, so there aren’t any spills whatsoever before the show’s release. However, it can be certain that it will indeed be packed with adventures. The show introduces us to a world where women don’t think twice before taking the lead and stand up to their responsibilities, making us want to be more like Ridley and face all obstacles with courage.
It is a preschooler show, yet it manages to be so educational that even a few adults can revise their lessons over time. It teaches your children with deep values of friendships, being responsible, and standing up against challenges, lessons that will go a long way in the life of your kids.