Ron’s Gone Wrong is an animated science fiction and comedy film which released on October 22, 2021, in the United States and October 15, 2021, in the United Kingdom. Sarah Smith and Jean Philippe Vine are the film’s directors, along with Octavio E. Rodriguez, who serves as the co-director. Peter Baynham and Sarah Smith are the writers of the film, and it is the first film under the banner of Locksmith Animation.
The film had a limited theatrical release only in 3D at the AMC and Regal theatres, both in the United States and the United Kingdom. The film’s plotline revolves around Barney, a young boy who receives a walking and talking robot called Ron. Ron starters malfunctioning and is aimed by the CEO of a company whose evil intentions to save his company’s stocks might cause trouble for Ron and Barney. The film revolves around the comic adventures of Barney and a malfunctioning Ron.
Is it Worth Watching or Not? All the Details You Need to Know Before Watching?
Ron’s Gone Wrong is an animated film that revolves around Barney, a young boy who receives Ron’s walking and talking robot. Ron starters malfunctioning and is aimed by the CEO of a company whose evil intentions to save his company’s stocks might cause trouble for Ron and Barney. The film depicts the invasiveness of big companies that take away our privacy with every click, a phenomenon that has been very common in recent times.
The film is lively and entertaining and has received a warm response from the audience and the critics. The film positively depicts technology and makes the audience beware of its downside as well. The theme of friendship is persistent across the story, and the light-hearted humor will definitely keep the audience hooked.
The characters are appealing, and the animation seems perfect. The fact that Ron and Barney’s friendship develops despite the adverse situation is something that adds to the warmth of the film. The film is definitely a must-watch.
Where to Watch?
Ron’s Gone Wrong is an animated science fiction and comedy film which had its World Premiere on October 9, 2021, during the BFI London Film Festival. It
released on October 22, 2021, in the United States and October 15, 2021, in the United Kingdom. The film had a limited theatrical release only in 3D at the AMC and Regal theatres, both in the United States and the United Kingdom. Those who wish to stream the film digitally can do so on HBO Max and Disney+.
Is there a Sequel Planned?
Given the amazing business that Ron’s Gone Wrong did when it was released as well as the kind of reception and critical acclaim it got, there are high chances that the makers would want to delight the audience with a sequel.
However, there have been mixed signals from the makers till now, and there has been no official confirmation whether or not there will be a sequel to Ron’s Gone Wrong. However, the fans are still expecting good news from the makers.