Sex Education is a sex-comedy-drama streaming series whose storyline revolves around the plot of how the students of the Moordale Secondary School are stuck between various dilemmas, most of the time those are related to sexual intimacy. The series focuses on not only the lives of the students but also the lives of the parents and staff of the school are also being portrayed with equal importance.
The third series of the series was recently released on September 17, 2021, on the OTT platform Netflix. Later on, it was announced that the series had been renewed for the fourth season.
When Is Netflix Planning To Schedule The Release Of Sex Education Season 4?
After the long wait, the fans finally got the third season of Sex Education on September 17, 2021, and immediately they binge-watched the complete eight episodes of the season. It was then that the fans got another surprise, and that is, the season got renewed for its fourth season.
As we consider the pattern of the release dates for the three seasons then, the first and the second seasons were dropped on Netflix in January 2019 and January 2020, respectively. Due to the pandemic, the entire production work and release date got delayed, and thus, the third season was released in September 2021.
Considering the current situation due to Covid-19 and the condensed time frame, we are expecting that Netflix must be planning the release date for Sex Education Season 4 in September 2022.
The Cast Of Sex Education Season 4: Whom Can We Expect?
The legend Gillian Anderson will be there. Though we were so terrified for a fraction of seconds when Jean’s life was literally on the verge of the end as she suffered from postpartum hemorrhage but, thankfully, she made it.
The other casts whom we expect are Emma Mackey and Asa Butterfield, NcutiGatwa and Connor Swindells, Aimee Lou Wood, Kedar Williams-Stirling and Dua Saleh, Patricia Allison and Tanya Reynolds, ChinenyeEzeudu, George Robinson, Mimi Keene, Simone Ashley, ChaneilKular, Sami Outalbali, Rakhee Thakrar, Jim Howick, Mikael Persbrandt, Alistair Petrie and Samantha Spiro.
There may be other recurring characters, but, as of now, we are expecting the above-mentioned personalities to be there for sure.
What Can We Expect For Season 4?
Most probably, season 4 will delve into the complicated relationship of Jean and Jakob, along with the arrival of the baby Joy. We might also find out who is the father of Joy.
It is also expected that the fourth season might portray the scenario of when Maeve will leave for the US, and after that, will both Otis and Maeve decide to try out a long-distance relationship? Is it going to be like, they will be dating other people until Maeve returns from the US?
We are even expecting to see how Adam will navigate his freshly accepted sexuality. The fate of Moordale Secondary School will also be a primary plot point. Well, we can’t wait to see what season 4 will unfold!