The plot of Shaman King revolves around a character named Yoh Asakura, who is a shaman. He acts as a medium between the two worlds; one is that of the living and the other of the dead. After Yoh, with his friends, overcome the ten Patch Tribe members, Hao is awakened as the new Shaman King.
This is one of the most anticipated ones as the storyline is quite interesting. And with that, the drama that is created cannot be left unappreciated. As of now, we have come across 25 episodes and are heading towards the 26th that will be airing on October 7.
What Happened in Shaman King’s Previous Episodes?
Before getting into the main subject, that is, the speculations about the upcoming episode, as always, it is better to know the story of the anime in rewind.
As of now, all of you might be well aware of the plot of the anime, so previously we found out that Asakura Yoh wanted to confess that Asakura Hao is his brother, but as all this is about to take place, Anna comes in between and changes the course of the conversation. She starts narrating a tale that took place around 1000 years back but is interrupted by Ren, who says that You have told them all about it.
What Else About Shaman King?
Five hundred back in time, Hao was reincarnated as a member of the Patch Trite only to get the Spirit of Fire. That Spirit Fire got mended with his Onmyojustu providing him with the Ultimate Over-Soul. Iron Maiden, on the other hand, is shedding blood tears as he believes that Hao is making other Shamans suffer. Marco no sooner does realize that they are going through a rough patch.
Hao is angry because of the reason that he was forced to unleash his weapon. Marco, on the other hand, is astonished to see Kevin, Meane, and Vendtar’s souls. Hao states that these useful souls will not go to waste, and he feeds the X-III to the Fire Spirit. The Guardians are taken aback when they come to know that Hao takes the Fire Spirit as it is Tribe’s Five Grand Elemental Spirit.
What About The 26 Episode?
Shaman King’s Episode 26 observes the dual between Venstar, the captain of X-III, and Great Onmyoji Asakura Hao. Venster gets back to life after getting the piercing, so he decides to self-destruct with Hao, and he presumes that this will be the end of Hao.
The Shaman Fight that has already started shows the power of Hao as he dominates his opponents. Besides that, we will get to see Hao also dominating water, and in this process, the power of elements is revealed and how these can be brought under control.
These powers might not just be limited to this point itself, but as Hao grows, he will also be taking up his level, and with that, there will be many new gifts with responsibilities.