Sharkdog, whose creator is Jacinth Tan Yi Ting is an animated series that shows us the life of Max, who is 10 years old, and his best friend, Sharkdog. Now, Sharkdog is both a shark and a dog. He is very loyal to Max but is unaware of his powers. The movie was released on September 3, 2021, and has gathered great responses from the audience, especially kids. The little audiences will especially be waiting for a sequel. Keep on scrolling to know more.
Release Date
Complete episodes of Season 2 of Sharkdog were released on Netflix on September 3, 2021. Season 1 had a total of seven episodes and had a runtime of half an hour. Netflix hasn’t yet confirmed the release of Season 2. When the media talked to Liam Mitchell, the actor behind the voice of Max, he told that he’s currently working on Sharkdog Season 2.
This is VIS’ first animated series for Netflix. Apart from that, it is also the first animated show with origins from Singapore to be selected from a Nickelodeon’s Program. No doubt, this show has been loved by kids worldwide. Sharkdog is an original animated Nickelodeon series that is based on the existing characters of its shows. Netflix and Nickelodeon have come together and signed a deal to produce animated films and movies based on inspiration from characters of existing series.
Mitchell, the child actor behind the voice of Max, records in his own studio, which is located in his basement. He works 2 to 3 hours weekly and remains in constant touch with the team handling the show’s sound. Looking at these facts, we can safely say that much time isn’t left before Sharkdog Season 2 comes back to Netflix. We can expect that it will be released between the end of 2021 and early 2022.
As mentioned on Netflix, the cast of this wonderful yet entertaining animated show is Dee Bradley Baker, Liam Mitchell, and Grey Griffin.
In the final moments of Sharkdog Season 1, we saw how Mr. Heubel, Dennis, and Captain Quigley came together to capture our favorite character- Sharkdog, who was at the carnival at that time. Max sees what’s happening and immediately rushes to save his best friend but unfortunately gets stuck up on a carousel. Sharkdog stops at the right time, and carnival authorities then save him from getting caught.
Max and his best buddy leave the carnival with his parents. In next season we can expect to see some new adventures happening in the lives of Max and his buddy. With Sharkdog realizing his strength and abilities, he is now prepared to handle tough situations in the coming future.
The trailer for the show was released on Netflix Jr.’s official YouTube channel on August 7, 2021. Go check out the trailer if you haven’t watched the show yet. Do enjoy this animated series on weekends with little kids living with you.