This is British TV series. Most of the episodes seen here are derived from the books. However, the original series started in the year 1993 and ended in 1997. It came back in 2006, ITV with Sharpe’s challenge.
What is the Series About?
As the series commences, we see Sergeant Richard Sharpe, who is in the 95th Rifle. The 95th Rifles was the rifle brigade of the British Army. He was serving in the war in the year 1809. He put forward a very brave front when he single-handedly decided to save the life of his general Sir Arthur Wellesley. The gesture so touched Wellesley that he adorns him with a promotion on the battlefield.
This type of advancement is the rise given in military service. Thus, Sharpe is made the lieutenant. Sharpe sees that his position allows him to be in charge of a chosen lot. Here, he makes Patrick Harper his best friend, and soon he takes up the position of sergeant and then sergeant major.
Why does Sharpe Make a Difference?
During the war against the French people, Richard Sharpe, who was a sergeant, makes a very faithful move by helping Arthur Wellesley when he was in desperate need of help, and nobody came forward. Arthur was no other than the future Duke. And he rewards Sharpe by giving him the position of lieutenant. The payment given to the troops requires that Wellesley has to make a money draft with the help of banker Rothschild.
But then he’s very afraid, thinking that he had heard rumors about the French taking Rothschild away. So he places his trust in Sharpe to go and find him. Sharpe has been given the responsibility of a group of crack riflemen, and this group is led by Harper and two other people named Hagman and Harris.
But later on, it’s revealed that all of them were against Sharpe because they felt that he was definitely not worthy of being in such a situation. They considered him to be an incapable officer.
Where to Watch this?
This show will be available to watch on Amazon Prime Video. This show does include just a lot of romances too. He falls in love and gets married to a Spanish woman named Teresa. She’s a guerrilla leader. Guerilla is very compatible warfare containing civilians, and irregulars, they use the military tricks. They do have a child together. This girl child is left behind when Teresa expires. Actually, Teresa was killed.
What Happens After Teresa’s Demise?
After her death, he remarries. This time he marries a beautiful lady named Jane Gibbons, and she happens to leave him soon. Because the sole purpose of this beautiful woman was to use up his finances and leave when she’s done. She already had someone with her, so all she needed was money. He again gets married. This time he wishes it to be a serious affair, and he settles with Lucille, who is a French woman by origin, but even she passes away soon.