Snack Kizutsuki, also known as Snack Scratches, is an ongoing Japanese television series. The Japanese television drama has been adapted from the manga of the same name written by Masuda Miri. The series is about a woman named Toko, who runs a small eatery called Snack Kizutsuki. Her eatery, however, is unique. It is an alcohol-less snack bar that welcomes the customers who carry great burdens in their minds with open arms.
The Japanese drama stars Tomoyo Harada as the protagonist, Toko. Yuasa Hiroaki and Masaya Kakei are the directors of the series, with Kumiko Sato and Yuko Imanishi as the series’ writers. The Japanese drama series first premiered on October 8, 2021.
The drama has a score of 91 on Asian Wiki and a rating of 8.3 on My Drama List.
The Release of Snack Kizutsuki Episode 9
The 9th episode of the Japanese series will air on the TV Tokyo network on December 3, 2021. The first episode was released on October 8, 2021. The show airs on Friday every week, replacing Solitary Gourmet Season 9.
The 9th episode will explore new challenges and new stories in Snack Kizutsuki. Took has opened a small restaurant with a noble motto of making every customer comfortable. She allows her customers to purge out their burdens, worries, and troubles. Her compassion has made a name for her and her small humble business.
The upcoming episode 9 will explore more of the story while also imparting life lessons to the audience.
Where to Watch Snack Kizutsuki Episode 9?
The television series airs on the TV Tokyo network every Friday at 8:45 PM. TV Tokyo is the original distributor network in Japan.
Internationally, Snack Kizutsuki is available on the international streaming platform, Viki. The site allows viewers around the world to watch the Japanese drama free with subtitles included.
What to Know Before Watching Snack Kizutsuki Episode 9?
The series follows the story of a hardworking restauranter, Toko (played by Tomoya Harada), who is running her small eatery with passion and kindness. Her compassion has made quite a name and has made her business popular in the area. Her restaurant only offers snacks on the menu, and no alcohol is included in the beverages.
Her customers are satisfied as she makes them feel at home and helps them to unwind their burdens, worries, and troubles. Each episode leaves viewers with a positive message that not only helps the characters in the series but the viewers also learn and relate to it.
The upcoming episode 9 is expected to introduce the viewers to more new positive things. The viewers will be excited to see where this episode will take them.
The Cast of Snack Kizutsuki Episode 9
Tomo Harada plays the protagonist Toko, the owner of Snack Kizutsuki. She is joined by Kenta Hamano as Kogumaya, Riko Narumi as Yumi Nakata, Kami Hiraiwa as Yoshimi Adachi, MugaTsukaji as Satoshi Sato and Yuta Koseki as Jun Takeii.
The main ensemble is joined by the supporting cast of Eri Tokunaga, Naomi Nishida, Mitsuko Oka, Keiko Horiuchi, Sakura Kiryu, and Norito Yashima. Masaya Kakei and Hiroaki Yuasa are the series’ directors. Kumiko Sato and Yuko Imanishi serve as the screenwriters of Snack Kizutsuki.