Star Trek is the animated sci-fi series created by duo Kevin Hageman and Dan Hageman. The show released this year in October on Paramount+ and has been doing fairly well in terms of viewership. Based on Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek, the series focuses on a group of young aliens in the Delta Quadrant who find a USS Protostar, abandoned ship that they must learn how to operate so that they can make their way to the Alpha Quadrant.
After releasing its five episodes, the show has announced to be on a halt for quite some time and fans are eager to know as to when it would end. Well, if you are among the curious heads finding when the wait is over, continue reading.
When will the Hiatus End and the Show Resume?
On November 8 this year, it was notified that the show will be going on a long hiatus post the release of the fifth episode on November 18, 2021, and will make the return with its episode 6 on January 6, 2022, on Paramount+. Well, this mid-season halt has left the fans disheartened as they will have to wait for more than one month for the episodes to resume.
The show had a weekly release pattern of episodes on every Thursday and will likely continue to do so. This is the foremost season of the show that includes twenty episodes in total with a runtime of 25 minutes each.
Where to Watch Episode 6 of Star Trek: Prodigy?
The episode can be enjoyed at 3.00 am ET on Paramount + on the above-mentioned date. The episodes that release every Thursday can also be watched on Amazon Prime Video. One will have to add Paramount+ to their already active plan.
What will happen in Episode 6 of Star Trek: Prodigy?
The sixth episode will continue to see Dal upset with Gwyne because the latter attempted to steal the Protostar. This will lead to something interesting coming up in the subsequent episodes. Gwyne will have to give the valid explanation about her deeds to her dad which will be covered in the new episode. Meanwhile, as we saw Drednok and Diviner explode in the earlier episode, it is uncertain what the future holds for them in the next episodes.
What Happened Previously on Episode 5 of Star Trek: Prodigy?
The previous episode saw Starfleet vessel colliding in the Delta Quadrant making it necessary of Dal to find way to Protostar but gets informed by Hologram Janeway that the Protostar crashed somewhere ten kilometers from the vessel and the group goes on towards it. During their journey, in order to protect themselves in their way from the acid rain and after getting attacked by thorny tendrils, they seek refuge under the Klingon vessel.
This time we were able to see Gwyne and Dal bond a little. Later, Gwyne and Drednok get stuck behind the next day, and the former gets saved by the Protostar charging in and Dal freeing her from tendrils. Towards the end, Protostar releases a lot of energy, leaves the planet, and as a consequence, Diviner and Drednok explode into minute particles.