Super Rich is a Japanese Drama of ten episodes. The series follows the protagonists HyogaMamotu and Haruno Yu and their story of falling in love. The show also explores what difficulties both the characters face, especially with so much age-gap between them, and what are the reactions of people in their immediate vicinity.
Hirano Shin, Aizawa Hideyuki, and Abe Masakazu are the directors of Japanese drama. The first episode of the series was released on October 14, 2021, on the Fuji Tv Network channel. It currently holds an audience rating of 7.5 with a popularity rank of 4887 on My Drama List.
The Release of Super Rich Episode 9
Episode 9 of the Japanese drama Super Rich will release on December 9, 2021, on the Fuji TV network channel at 6:30 PM JST. According to the show’s premise, it follows the journey of HyogaMamotu, the CEO of Three Star Books, and Haruno Yu, a vocational school student. The story delves into the business world as the protagonists, and the supporting characters deal with the age gap and loneliness.
The series approaches the romance with an age gap with a twist as the makers decide the romance to be between an older woman who is rich and a younger man who is poor. It will be interesting to note the viewers’ reactions to the upcoming episode.
Where to Watch Super Rich Episode 9?
The 9th episode of the series can be watched on Thursday, December 9, 2021, on the Fuji TV network channel at 6:30 PM JST. International viewers can watch the series on Rakuten Viki free with the required subscription.
What to Know Before Super Rich Episode 9?
The viewers should know that the series is about the protagonists Hyoga Mamotu and Haruno Yu, played by Eguchi Noriko and Akaso Eiji, respectively. Hyoga Mamotu is a rich woman and the CEO of Three Star Books. She was always wealthy and never had money problems. However, she is lonely. Not that she does not have friends, she has a best friend, Ichinose Ryo, played by Totsugi Shigeyuki.
With Ichinose Ryo, she talks about everything. She started her company with him. But she feels that she is lonely in the romantic sense. Haruno Yu is a student in the vocational school. He is a good person with a devoted and affectionate family, but he is not financially well-off. He has to work while also studying.
His life changes when he applies to Three Star Books, Hyoga Mamuto’s company, for an intern position. Hyoga Mamuto’s life turns upside-down when she meets Haruno Yu, and their whirlwind romance begins.
The Cast of Super Rich Episode 9
Eguchi Noriko and Akaso Eiji play the protagonists of the show, Hyoga Mamotu and Haruno Yu. Joining them in the supporting role are Machida Keita, Shida Mirai, Yamoto Yuma, Miho Jun, Kayashima Mizuki, Kanno Rio, Kashima Riku, Itagaki Mizuki, Nonomura Hanano, Furuta Arata, Totsugi Shigeyuki, Nakamura Yuri, Matsushima Nanako and Yuki Kousei. Ohmura Wataru also stars as the Ramen shop staff, Komura Tsutomu.
Kinjo Ayaka produces the series. Hirano Shin, Aizawa Hideyuki, and Abe Masakazu are the drama directors with Mizoi Eiichi Davis as the screenwriter.