The Curse of Oak Island is a reality television series that has a total of nine seasons. Well, it is quite evident how popular is this reality show, as we can guess from the number of seasons that are currently on -air. Since episode 8 of The Curse of Oak Island Season 9 has been released, fans just cannot keep calm as they want to see what comes next.
Now, season 9 of the reality show has decided to release its episode 9 on the scheduled date, and the countdown has already begun. This article has the answers to all of your curiosities, so keep reading!
When Will Episode 9 Of The Curse Of Oak Island Season 9 Be Released?
After a pretty long time, the scheduled date for the release of episode 9 has already been declared. Episode 9 of the series will be telecasted on January 4, 2022. The announcement of the date for the release of the latest episode has made its fans restless as they cannot wait to see what comes next.
But then again, we need to wait a bit longer to know what will happen in Episode 9. And for that, we need to be a bit patient.
Where Can You Stream Episode 9 Of The Curse Of Oak Island Season 9?
Episode 9 will be telecasted on the scheduled date on the original network, History Channel. If you do not have access to that channel, then you can catch the episode on the History channel’s website and also the History Channel app.
Also, thanks to the OTT platforms that we can stream the series anytime and at any place, even if we do not have access to the above-mentioned medium. The OTT platforms on which the series will be streaming are as follows: Spectrum, DirecTV, Hulu+ Live Tv, Sling TV, Xfinity, Philo TV, Amazon Prime Video, Microsoft Store, Vudu, iTunes, Peacock TV, and Google Play.
What Will Episode 9 Of The Curse Of Oak Island Season 9 Be About?
The title of episode 9 will be “The Unusual Suspects”. The main plot for the upcoming episode will be about how the team will be discussing the wood stakes to be found among the swamps.
Also, while investigating the swamps, they will find a mysterious thing or artifacts, which may be a link that could explain the theory that was proposed by Fred Nolan almost about half centuries ago.
A Quick Recap About Episode 8 Of The Curse Of Oak Island Season 9
Episode 8 of The Curse of Oak Island Season 9 was released on December 21, 2021. The title of this particular episode was “Deeper Digs, Bigger Stakes”. The complete episode was mostly about how they were digging DE 1.5 and then moving on to the borehole G2.
Then after much digging, they could get their hands on a certain amount of manganese. Then after that, the team followed Zena’s map and started digging mainly around those portions which have not been indicated on the map.