The 2018 animated film, The Death of Superman, has been the directorial work of duo Sam Liu and Jake Castorena. The screenplay has been credited to Peter J. Tomasi, while Sam Liu and Amy McKenna’s production has been helmed for Warner Bros. Animation and DC Entertainment. It stands as the 32nd edition to the DC Universe Animated Original Movies that are based on the comic book in the same name as DC Comics.
Its sequel was also named Reign of the Supermen, which got aired in 2019. This 1 hour and 21 minutes long movie had a good response from the viewers and critics. So if you want to give this one a watch, keep scrolling.
Where to Watch The Death of Superman Online?
This action and adventure-filled film can be streamed on HBO Max and subtitles in high defination resolution. It can be rented from Amazon Prime Video, iTunes, YouTube, Google Play Movies, DirecTV, Redbox, Microsoft Store and Vudu for $3.99 or can be purchased from Microsoft store for $9.99, from iTunes, Vudu, Google Play Movies, YouTube, Amazon Prime Video and DirecTV for $14.99 and from Redbox at $16.99.
What to Know Before Watching The Death of Superman?
The movie’s premise follows the monstrous villainhumanoid named Doomsday that had originated from a meteorite and has caused havoc in the city. But the hero, Superman, joined by his team of Justice League, deduced the plan to face off the deadly monster and prevent him from causing further damage.
But it is ultimately in the superhero’s hand to finally put an end to it by fighting him off in the Metropolis. But post the fight, a new truth emerges as the four superhumans named Superboy, Steel, Eradicator and Cyborg Superman decide to call themselves the hero. But what happened to our beloved Man of Steel? Well, the mystery will have to be uncovered by the viewers themselves.
Who are All there in The Death of Superman?
The voice actors in this animated make comprise of Jerry O’Connell, Rainn Wilson, Rebecca Romijn, Nathan Fillion, Rosario Dawson, Matt Lanter, Christopher Gorham, Nyambi Nyambi, Shemar Moore, Jonathan Adams, Jason O’Mara, Trevor Devall, Rocky Carroll, Jennifer Hale, Patrick Fabian, Paul Eiding, Charles Halford, Max Mittelman, Erica Luttrell, Cress Williams and others.
What Else to Know About The Death of Superman?
The movie garnered a 92% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, making it a highly favorable watch with an intriguing storyline and emotional touch to it. The movie had a limited theatrical run in 2019 alongside Reign of the Supermen and was released on Blu-ray, DVD and digital platforms in 2018. The movie also managed to earn a massive revenue through its release in DVD and Blu-ray formats, eventually topping the sales.
By beating various other famous hits like Avengers: Infinity War, Superman: The Movie, Incredibles 2 and Batman: The Animated Series, The Death of Superman, went to bag the Home Media Award for Best Superhero Disc.