The American teen comedy movie, The DUFF, is a light-hearted, entertaining movie yet bears a great social message. Distributed by Lionsgate, the movie adapts KodyKeplinger’s novel of the same name. Ari Sandel helms the DUFF, and Josh A. Sagan has written its screenplay. It has a runtime of 101 minutes and grossed a sum of $43.7 million at the box office. The film was first released in the theatres on February 20, 2015. It revolves around Bianca, who comes to realize that she is the DUFF (Designated Ugly Fat Friend).
She then teams up with the charming jock, Wesley, to reinvent her identity but comes to a more holistic conclusion. You can watch The DUFF on Amazon Prime Video by subscribing to the streaming platform. Here are few things you should know before you watch The DUFF.
Who is in the Cast of The DUFF?
The protagonist, or The DUFF, Bianca Piper, is played by Mae Whitman. She teams up with Wesley Rush, played by Robbie Amell, to come out of the shadows of being a DUFF, and go popular. Bella Thorne plays Madison Morgan. Both Casey and Jess, Bianca’s hot friends, are played by Bianca Santos and Skyler Samuels, respectively. Other cast members include Mr. Arthur by Ken Jeong, Dottie Piper by Allison Janney, Toby Tucker by Nick Eversman. The movie was filmed in Atlanta, Georgia.
The DUFF Plotline Without Spoilers
Bianca, a high-school senior with two hot friends, learns from Wesley, the hunky, handsome football team captain, that she is a DUFF. DUFF is an acronym for Designated Ugly Fat Friend. It is slang that designates a friend that makes other friend looks better. Bianca pairs up with Wesley to get rid of her tag. She is on a quest to reinvent herself and to stop the final high school year from becoming a disaster. That requires her to stay confident enough not to be put down by judgemental Madison and bring change in the school’s social order.
The DUFF Movie Review
The teen comedy movie, The DUFF has received favorable reviews for its realistic storyline. Teens can bond with the movie since all of us have felt like a DUFF in some situations. But the final message that comes through moves one to embrace their identity no matter what. The social message is enwrapped in an entertaining and hilarious plotline that keeps the viewers hooked. This coming-of-age movie should be on your teen movies list (and yes, it works perfectly well for adults, too!).
Moreover, the movie also acknowledges the influence it gains from the popular and iconic 1980s teen movies of John Hughes. Mae Whitman’s performance is adorable, she is radiant, and her poignant facial expression is on point. Even though DUFFness comes across as self-deprecating, she very well owns it and confidently delivers it. And Robbie Amell, as the charming jock and next-door neighbor, his stereotypic character receives a fresh twist in the movie, which is absolutely delightful.
He is sweet, humorous, which makes you fall in love with his character. All in all, you wouldn’t regret tuning in to this movie, and it will leave you with a good feeling once you are through with it. A feel-good movie with good acting and writing, The DUFF delivers a laugh and a hearty romance. You can watch it on Amazon Prime Video.