Also known as The Fable: Korosanai Koroshiya, The Fable: The Killer Who Doesn’t Kill is the Japanese action comedy movie directed by Kan Eguchi and produced by Naoto Fujimura, Mitsuru Sato, and Takeshi Udaka. The adventure-packed movie is the sequel of The Fable. The manga penned by Katsuhisa Minamiof has inspired the story. The same name also happens to have written the screenplay for the movie alongside Kan Eguchi and Masahiro Yamaura.
Since the movie has been announced on Netflix now, the users are looking forward to watching this thriller action-comedy, and we are here to help you know everything before watching it.
What to Know Before Watching The Fable: The Killer Who Doesn’t Kill?
The sequence to 2019 The Fable, The Fable: The Killer Who Doesn’t Kill it is a story that focuses on the life of an assassin named Akira who now lives a life like a normal man with his sibling Yoko in the society, going by the saying of his master who tells him to stay away from killing anyone. But his ordinary life gets disturbed when one of his past enemies makes a re-entry to seek revenge from him.
But what happens next has to be seen by you because we don’t want to spoil the fun for you! The movie was originally released on June 18, 2021, in Japan but was recently added to Netflix for more viewers globally. Interestingly, Ariana Grande and Lady Gaga have been credited for the movie’s theme song named Rain On Me. The movie has a 7.1/10 IMDb score which makes it a good watch, but it will be more interesting to see how it goes on Netflix this time.
Who All are There in The Fable: The Killer Who Doesn’t Kill?
The movie comprises of Shinichi Tsutsumi essaying the role of Utsubo, Junichi Okada essaying the role of Akira Sato, Masanobu Ando essaying the role of Suzuki, Fumino Kimura essaying the role of Yoko Sato, Jun Kurose essaying the role of Isaki, Yurina Hirate essaying the role of Hinako Saba, Daisuke Miyagawa essaying the role of Jackal Tomioka, and Mizuki Yamamoto essaying the role of Misaki Shimizu.
Kai Inowaki essaying the role of Kuro, Masao Yoshii essaying the role of Kainuma, Manami Hashimoto essaying the role of Ai, Koichi Satoessaying the role of Boss, Jiro Sato essaying the role of Takoda and Ken Yasuda essaying the role of Ebihara.
Is The Fable: The Killer Who Doesn’t Kill Worth Watching?
The second installment of The Fable, this make is an interesting and fun watch. Covering the life of people who are portrayed in the movie is a delight to see, in addition to the great adventure. It keeps its viewers filled with questions till the very end when answers are finally revealed. It keeps one engrossed throughout its 133 minutes stretch, having a good balance between the plot and its characters and thereby not going overboard with them.
All and all, it’s a satisfying watch with unexpected twists and turns that are bound to stay with you for a long time. But also be prepared for some disturbing scenes as they form an integral part of this action-comedy. So it should definitely be on your watch list this fall!
When and Where to Watch The Fable: The Killer Who Doesn’t Kill?
The movie became available on November 17 this year on Netflix. A standard subscription offer is mandatory to avail of the service, so choose your suitable plan and subscribe to the platform.