The famous American sitcom show The Golden Girls is a masterpiece by show creators Susan Harris. Initially, it hit the screens on NBC, starting from September 14, 1985, to May 9, 1992, and brought to the viewers 180 episodes in all. With each & every episode running for about half an hour, the show went on to release seven seasons.
Featuring infamous lead actors like Bea Arthur, Betty White, Rue McClanahan, and Estelle Getty, the series revolves around 4 women in their old age, who live together under one roof in Miami, Florida. Witt/Thomas/Harris Productions has been responsible for the production of the series along with Touchstone Television.
The show’s original executive producers include Paul Junger Witt, Tony Thomas, and Harris. The very famous American sitcom show called The Golden Girls is a masterpiece by show creators Susan Harris. Initially, it hit the screens on NBC, starting from September 14, 1985, to May 9, 1992, and brought to the viewers 180 episodes in all.
With each & every episode running for about half an hour, the show went on to release seven seasons. You can find the show on Prime Video, VUDU, Hulu, Vudu Movie & TV Store or Apple TV on your Roku device.
What is the Show All About?
The series revolves around four old single women, of whom one is a divorcee and the remaining 3 are widows. The 4 women live together in one house in Miami, Florida. The house is owned by a widow named Blanche Devereaux, who is accompanied by fellow widow Rose Nylund and divorcée Dorothy Zbornak.
This happened when the latter two found an ad on the bulletin board at a local grocery store and decided to you respond to it. The first episode of the series shows an 80-year-old widowed mother called Sophia Petrillo, whose retirement house gets burned down and has to then join these three house members in Miami.
The Golden Girls Finale, and How did it Go?
The American sitcom ended by showing Bea Arthur as she decided to leave the show. Unlike all episodes, the final episode ran for about an hour and hit the screens in May 1992. It further showed Sophia’s daughter Dorothy meeting and getting married to Blanche’s uncle Lucas after which she moves and settles in Hollingsworth Manor in Atlanta.
She should be accompanied by her mother, Sophia, but that didn’t happen as Sophia decided to you stay back at that house in Miami. The last episode of The Golden Girls gathered 27.2 million viewers and made it the 17th-most-watched TV finale in 2016.
Does the Show have Any Spin-Offs?
As the final episode ends with Sophia deciding to stay in the house in Miami, it leads into a spin-off series called The Golden Palace. This spinner ran on the screens during the 1992–1993 season, with all the characters in the lead except Bea Arthur, who made just a guest appearance.
Looking at the success of the series, Susan Harris next brought another spin-off called Empty Nest with some character crossovers. This was followed by another spin-off called Nurses, in which there were special episodes having characters from one show appear in the others.
Awards and Achievements
Back in the days when it was released, The Golden Girls grabbed 68 Emmy nominations, 11 Emmy awards, 4 Golden Globe Awards, and 2 Viewers for Quality TV awards. Another great part about the show is that all the main actresses won Emmy for their performance on the sitcom.
It was in 1992 when the show was nominated in the Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series alongside getting nominated for the Golden Globe for Best TV Series – Musical or Comedy and for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role in a Series/Miniseries or Motion Picture for TV.