The Haunted Mansion is an American horror comedy film that was released in the year 2003. The film was written by David Berenbaum and directed by Rob Minkoff. The film was inspired by the Disney attraction of the same name- The Haunted Mansion. The plotline revolves around a realtor who gets trapped in a haunted mansion. The film’s teaser was released in 2002, and the film had a theatrical release in 2003. The film had earned $24,278,410 on the first weekend after its release.
Though the film didn’t receive any critical appraisal and was flawed in both the genres it tried to present- comedy and horror. The film received average reviews and had a rating of 4.2/10 on Rotten Tomatoes, and a Metacritic rating was 34/ 100. The film was released on VHS and DVD, which had behind-the-scenes shots.
Where to Watch
The Haunted Mansion was released at a time when digital streaming was not a thing, and it was only theatres, VHS, and DVDs that were popular. However, if one wants to watch the film today, it is available on many digital streaming platforms like Amazon Prime Video, Hotstar, and other video downloading sites like 123 movies. Keeping aside the reviews, one can watch the film for a good time pass, and it definitely is a one-time watch. Though the reviews are average, The Haunted Mansion can be watched compared to a 2003 movie.
Plot and Cast of The Haunted House
The plotline revolves around the lives of two realtors named Sara and Jim Evans, who live with their children Megan and Michael. As they plan on a vacation, they are approached by the owners of Gracey Manor, who offer Evans a deal that they cannot deny. The Evans pays a visit to the Gracey Manor and stays for the night there due to an impending storm. However, Jim Evans gets trapped in a secret passage while Sara discovers a painting of a woman who resembles her.
Jim encounters a ghost named Madame Leota, from whom he learns that ghosts inhabit the mansion and that Sara is Elizabeth’s incarnation. However, a ghostly encounter follows with Gracey revealing himself as a ghost and the mystery of Elizabeth’s murder being revealed. And this is followed by a series of adventures with Gracey and other ghosts finally leaving the mansion and Evans owning the house.
The cast of The Haunted Mansion includes Eddie Murphy, Terence Stamp, Nathaniel Parker, Marsha Thomason, Jennifer Tilly, Wallace Shawn, Dina Spybey, Marc John Jefferies, Aree Davis, along with several others. Even though the film was released long back, it is available on various digital streaming platforms, making it easier to access the movie for those who want to watch this 2003 horror comedy. The duration of the film is 1 hour and 28 minutes, and it is a family entertainer.