“The In Between” is a film by Arie Posin, known for his movies, “The Face of Love” and “The Chumscrubber”. This film is about a young Photographer named Tessa, who falls head over heels in love with a guy named Skyler, but just when everything seems to be perfect, a car crash takes away Skyler forever, or so she thought.
Tessa soon finds Skyler trying to reach her, and she tries desperately to connect with him again through all the risks. The film was set to be released in 2020, but the onset of the pandemic, like for many other movies, caused many issues, and the film wasn’t able to be released in the said year and is finally releasing in the year 2022.
The movie is set to put you on a roller coaster of tears as Joey King, herself admitted in an interview, how she couldn’t control her emotions through the scenes. She didn’t give out any spoilers but hinted the film’s ending to be very emotional and not a happy one. So if you are planning to watch this movie, get ready with some tissue paper!
Release Date
The drama will release on February 11, 2022, in the United States on Paramount Plus. But it is not set to be released on theatres and will only be available on online streaming sites due to the pandemic still in full swing.
Where to Watch Online
The film will be available to stream on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu and Hotstar, although the release date on these streaming sites are still not scheduled. All these online streaming sites are not and charge some considerable amount on a monthly or weekly basis, differing from website to website and country-wise.
Where can You Watch The In Between for Free?
Many websites allow free streaming of movies, but the problem with them is that not all these free streaming websites are free. The quality of the movies too might not be satisfactory, which would spoil your whole experience of watching the movie. It would be better to be a little more patient and wait for it to be out on streaming sites like Netflix, Amazon Prime or Hotstar etc., for the best experience.
When will it be Released?
The timing for the release hasn’t been set yet but would probably be different for different countries and continents because of the time zones. They would definitely choose a time for the maximum audience interaction.
Joey King as a teenage photographer who has been going from one foster house to another, named Tessa. Kyle Allen is Tessa’s boyfriend who dies in Skyler’s car crash. Celeste O’Connor is Tessa’s best friend. Diana Rodriguez as Mrs. Duffy. John Ortiz as Mel, April Parker Jones as Jasmine, Donna Biscoe, Kim Dickens.