The Journalist, a Japanese drama and the first of its kind to be released on Netflix. The series is adapted from the Japanese drama film called The Journalist that was released in the year 2019. The series is directed by Fuji Michihito, and Kodera Kazuhisa and Yamada Yoshitatsu are the writers of the upcoming series.
The film The Journalist had received great appreciation from the critics, as well as the audience and the makers, intend the same for the series as well. The plotline of the series revolves around a journalist who takes it upon herself to expose the corruption in modern Japanese society.
The series is all set for release on Netflix in 2022. There will be a total of 10 episodes in the series, and each episode will be running for approximately 50 minutes. How the story unfolds and what new thrills the show is something that the audience would want to know.
When Is It Coming To Netflix?
The Journalist is a Japanese thriller television series that is all set to release in the first month of 2022. The official date of release, according to Netflix, is on January 13, 2022. The series is waited with great anticipation by the fans who are eager to know what the makers have in store for them in the series.
Where To Watch It?
Directed by Fuji Michihito and written by Kodera Kazuhisa and Yamada Yoshitatsu, The Journalist is one of the highly anticipated animated series to be released this year. According to the official announcements, The Journalist will be premiered digitally on Netflix. Those who want to watch The Journalist can do so exclusively on Netflix. The series cannot be viewed on any other OTT Platforms as of now.
What Is The Journalist About?
The plot of the series revolves around a reporter Anna Matsuda, who is honest in her job and tries to go to the bottom of every matter and subject. She works for one of the most reputed Newspapers called Toto Newspaper and is highly respected in society.
Anna is exposed to the crimes and corruption that are prevalent in modern-day Japanese society. She tries her best to expose such scandals in order to save her country from being humiliated. What follows is a series of twists and turns that are political and criminal in nature and how it will affect Anna, both personally and professionally, is what the audience would like to see.
Who Is In The Cast?
The cast of The Journalist includes Ryoko Yonekura, who plays the character of Anna Matsuda, Go Ayano, who plays the character of Shinichi Murakami; Ryusei Yokohama, who plays the character of Ryo Kinoshita, Hidetaka Yoshioka, who plays the character of Kazuya Suzuki, and Shinobu Terajima who plays the character of Mayumi Suzuki.
Other actors include Mitsuru Fukikoshi, Tomorowo Taguchi, Koji Ookura, Tetsushi Tanaka, Masato Hagiwara, Tokio Emoto, Kaho Tsuchimura, Karin Ono, Jun Hashimoto, Kaho Tsuchimura, Karin Ono, Jun Hashimoto, Denden, Yusuke Santamaria, and Shiro Shano.