“The Last Airbender” is an American fiction film, written and directed by Night Shyamalan, this movie was released in the year 2010. The film narrates the story Of Aang, a young boy who is the only person capable of bringing peace between the elements fire, earth, air and water. The fact that the crew accepted to work on such a script still fascinates me.
One decade has almost passed by and yet we couldn’t find a positive review to this movie. Starting from the script to the cinematography, this movie received humongous negative comments. This movie was projected in 3-D. The crew could have at least used the 3-D effect to retain the audience but in vain.
I still wonder how the audience spent an entire 103 minutes on such a movie.
The Last Airbender – Plot
This is a fictional film in which Fire, Earth, Water and Air are considered to be separate nations. Fire has declared war on the rest of the nations, as they desire to rule all nations. Amidst this situation going on, the story takes a turn to Sokka and Katara from the water tribe. They discover an iceberg breaking, from which the protagonist of the film Aang, is released.
The fire tribe on learning the escape of Aang, tries to track and hunt him down. Meanwhile, Aang and his friends travel to the Northern water tribe to learn water bending.
The members from each tribe can control their respective element with their state of mind. A person from the fire nation can throw fireballs, a person belonging to the water nation can freeze a person on ice, an Airbender can control the wind and earth benders can throw rocks. I still wonder about the logic behind this.
Zuko, the prince of Fire nation and Zhao, the commander from the fire nation captures Aang. Later, Zhao turns against his own prince. A complete commotion happens in the end where the fire nation back stabs among them. In the end, Aang enters his avatar state and raises an ocean wall against the fire nation, thus protecting his people.
Where to Watch it Online?
I’m curious on why would people be interested in watching such a movie. It has no proper storyline, the cinematography is poor and they made fictional movies a joke. Seems like the director wanted to create some random movie for low budget just to waste the time of audience.
The surprise element is that “The Last Airbender” is still available to watch online. The movie can be found on Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.
What Is in the Movie?
Honestly, there is nothing unique or captivating about this movie. It is just a story a young boy, the last of his kind who can save the other nations from fire. Maybe, the kids can find the movie quite interesting because they can relate to the cast. Kids are always in their own fantasy world. To them, this movie would be yet another super kid movie.
I don’t think adults would like the movie. Being exposed to various scripts, technical knowledge and reality, adults might find it difficult to accept the movie. There’s nothing exceptional in the movie.
Why Did the Movie Bag Many Negative Reviews?
Maybe, if the crew would have sat together and discussed more on the storyline it would have worked out. The movie was released in 3-D, but it didn’t really make use of the potential cinematography it must have. Audience preferred watching it in blur as it didn’t make sense either way. The story got clumsy towards the end. The audience didn’t enjoy the 103 minutes rather they felt a kind of relief at the end of the movie.
Every movie can’t be made to satisfy every age group. Similarly, this film was a flop among teenagers and adults as they couldn’t connect themselves anywhere with the story. It’s safe to say that it was more of a kids’ movie. Hopefully they don’t come up with another boring sequel to this film.