The Last Kingdom, a historical drama themed Netflix original series, initially premiered its Season 1 Episode 1 on October 10, 2015. All these years the show has managed to gain constant appreciation and love from its viewers. But, recently, Netflix has made an official announcement that the show will only run for 5 seasons in a total of which 4 seasons are already out. The upcoming Season 5 is going to be the finale season.
The Last Kingdom: Story So Far
The Last Kingdom First four seasons have covered a lot of adventures of the Danes. The initial setting is of a very ancient time back in history. King Alfred and his ruling community have successfully captured most of the part of the present-day known as England. During this invasion, Danes are said to be the upbringing community of a boy named Uhtred. Uhtred was born as a Saxon but was raised and brought up by the people of Danes.
His birthright was now questioned because he was asked to choose between his birthplace or the one where he grew up. The major event in the story takes place when he is put in a difficult situation to prove his loyalty towards the people of Dane. The only possible way for him to restore his birthright is the one that can cause him a lot of danger. The only visible way out is to rescue and restore his ancestral land which was long ago captured by the Danes.
The Last Kingdom Series: Review
The Last Kingdom series has received great acknowledgment and earned credits for portraying such a strong, bold and authentic storyline. It is considered a worthwhile binge-watch series. One of those shows which can be re-watched, it nurtures the plot perfectly, is well structured and is simply a masterpiece.
Everything is on point in its characters, scenes, dialogues, actions, storytelling, and development is one such highly praised show with incredible elements and great chemistry depicted.
The Last Kingdom Season 5: Release Date, Time and Platform. Is Netflix Releasing It Before March 2022?
The Last Kingdom’s releasing process is going fairly well, even amid all the pandemic waves and chaos. This show’s season 5 which was earlier expected to release by November or December of this year, now seems only possible to release in the upcoming year 2022. Though, recent updates have confirmed that the show’s cast has already reached the shooting place, settled, and started to shoot for the upcoming season.
To date, Netflix has made no official announcements regarding the exact release date and time but it is likely believed that the viewers don’t have to wait much longer. Season 5 is expected to release sometime between January to May 2022 and still be streaming on Netflix which means Netflix releasing it before March 2022 is a 50-50% probability.
The Last Kingdom Season 5: What to Expect
The Last Kingdom Season 5 being the finale season is going to have some major events happening with a final wrap-up of the show as it is known to be the final season. This upcoming season, as speculated, can be about England’s unity and restoration of their land by Uhtred.
Uhtred has had the realization about his bigger purpose and destiny. But to walk on his new journey and save everyone he must fight a great loss. This adventure, we believe is going to unfold in Season 5.