The Line is an American television documentary series that will have its world premiere on November 19, 2021. The documentary is made under the banner of Jigsaw Productions, which has already claimed the Academy Awards earlier. Doug Shultz is the producer of The Line, and Shults has also directed the documentary along with Jeff Zimbalist.
The docuseries is based on a real-life controversy in the US Army and presents a multidimensional perspective on the subject. Richard Perello. Michael Zimbalist, Brad Hebert, Stacey Offman, Jeff Zimbalist, and Alex Gibney are the show’s producers.
What Should You Know Before Watching The Line?
The Line is a real-life based documentary that will be released in four parts. The series is based on a real-life controversy that happened in the year 2018 when a platoon of United States Navy SEALs accused their chief of committing war crimes. The series will feature someone to one interview with Eddie Gallagher, the accused chief, and his wife, Andrea.
The series will also show interviews of the platoon members and Richard Spenser, a former Navy Secretary, Dave Phillips, who is a journalist, and some others. The Line will also show some raw look into the Seal troop and the effects of deployment on their brotherhood.
The series will also feature some raw first-hand clips from the troop’s tour of Mosul in Iraq that stirred up quite many controversies and one of the most recent trials of a high-profile war crime case that had stirred up differential opinions from the citizens.
When is it Releasing?
The Line is a limited real-life based documentary series that will be released in four parts. The series is all set to make its debut on the digital streaming platform on November 19, 2021. Being based on one of the most controversial cases in recent times, the series is expected to gather a lot of audience attention and impart a whole plethora of perspectives on the subject.
Where to Watch it?
The Line is an Apple Original documentary-based television series that will be released worldwide on November 19, 2021, exclusively on Apple TV+. The series is all set for its debut before the holiday season begins, and it is available only on Apple TV+ for those who want to watch it and not on any other such platform. One has to take the subscription of Apple TV+ to watch The Line.
Is the Trailer Released?
Apple TV+ has already dropped the trailer a few days before releasing the real-life controversial drama, and the fans are definitely loving the trailer as it hints at uncovering the hidden aspects surrounding the controversy.