The Midnight Club is an upcoming American horror mystery-thriller series. Created by Mike Flanagan and Leah Fong, it is set to debut on Netflix. The show is based on the young adult novel by Christopher Pike by the same name, The Midnight Club.
It follows a group of seven terminally ill young adults who reside in the Rotterdam Home hospice, run by an enigmatic doctor. They meet at midnight every day to tell horror stories to each other. They make a pact that the first one to succumb to their disease would be responsible for communication with those beyond the grave. Here are a few things to know about the show.
Where Else Have You Seen This Cast?
The Midnight Club casts Iman Benson, Adia, Ruth Codd, Igby Rigney, Aya Furukawa, Annarah Cymone, William Chris Sumpter, Sauriyan Sapkotam, Zach Gilford, Samantha Sloyan, Matt Bledel, William B. Davis, Larsen Thompson, Crystal Balint, Heather Langenkamp and Patricia Drake.
You probably know Iman from BlackAF and Alexa & Katie. She was also in Uncle Buck. Heather Langenkamp, you’ve seen in the series “Nightmare on Elm Street”, Never Sleep Again and New Nightmare. She’s a well-known horror film actress. Aya Furukawa was on The Baby-Sitting Club and The Terror. Zach Gilford played in The Purge: Anarchy, Friday Night Lights and Midnight Mass. He was also in L.A.’s Finest.
Samantha Sloyan was in Midnight Mass with Zach; she was in the Haunting of Hill House and Area 407. Larsen Thompson was in Pearl, Bloodline and American Cherry. She was also in the Spongebob movie that came out in 2020. William B. Davis was in The X-Files, Upload, The Tall Man and Pilot. Patricia Drake has played in Tiny Christmas, Holiday Wishes and Being Ian.
The Midnight Club Production
The show is produced by executive producers Mike Flanagan, Leah Fong, Trevor Macy, Julia Bicknell and Christopher Pike.
The Plot
The Midnight Club is based on the 1994 novel. A group of terminally ill people meet at midnight and tell each other horror stories. They have a pact saying the first person that dies will communicate with those beyond. So we will probably see them tell each other stories similar to those written in the novel. But it’s up to Flanagan how he plans on adapting from the novel. We know that the show will also focus on what happens after one group member dies. This is because that’s when the fun stuff starts happening.
Remember that pact they had? Well, after one of them succumbs, many bizarre occurrences begin to unfold. The group now has these to deal with too. Flanagan likes to write stories covering multiple periods, so expect there to be a vast amount of time covered in this series.
Where And When To Watch The Midnight Club?
The Midnight Club is set to air on Netflix. The show’s expected release date is the 7th of October, 2022. Watch this show if you love horror. There are sure to be a lot of hair raising adventures through the episodes.