The Orbital Children is a science fiction anime series in two parts. Mitsuo Iso is the writer and the director of this series. Rei Ishizuka is the person who worked for the music of the series. “Extraterrestrial Boys and Girls” is the literal piece from which the show is adapted into two pieces. This Japanese anime series was released on January 28th 2022, on Netflix (international) and Avex Pictures ( in Japan). On February 11th, 2022, the second part will the series will air. The series is a six-part series.
What To Know Before Watching?
The show takes place in future, after 20 years. It’s seen that five children with extraordinary abilities and hope seem to survive after a collision takes place at the space station; they are seen to be lost but brave.
The children fight with all odds to stay alive and return to their homeland sooner. They realize that with their collaboration, the mission will be easier to complete than as individuals.
Who Are The Characters And Voice Artists?
Natsumi Fujiwara gave a voice to Touya Sagami. Touya Sagami is shown as an edgelord’ hacker born on Moon but hates earthlings for some reason. Azumi Waki gave the voice to Konoha Б Nanase, Touya Sagami’s childhood friend who was also born on the Moon. Kensho Ono gave voice to Taiyo Tsukuba, a White Hat hacker, and he patrols for illegal and dangerous activities with his buddy. There are other characters like Mina Misasa, Hiroshi Tanegashima, Nasa Houston, Mayor Sagami and many more who also have their voice artists.
The plot of The Orbital Children
The story takes place in outer space in 2045, where AI, the internet, outer space and social networking sites are very developed and available every time. It’s seen that a massive explosion takes place at the space station, which is relatively new. This Japanese space station gets destroyed, and the children fail to escape this disastrous situation. They have the help of tools such as a social network, narrowband, a drone and a free application of low-intelligence AI to survive through this situation. The question is will they survive this?
Part 1 Of The Series
It is seen that Touya and Konoha, who were born on Moon, go through physical therapy at the Japanese space station, namely “Anshin”. They are emigrating to earth, but suddenly there is an explosion and children are seen to be separated from adults. There’s a collision because of the comet hitting the space station. Mina, Taiyo and Hiroshi are there at the space station for the same reason. They realize that the supply of internet and oxygen has been cut off. In such a situation, they are seen helping each other, figuring the odds out. Most importantly, they are seen to overcome and fight against the difficulties like the runaway of micromachines, EVA and decompression.
Should You Stream It?
Stream it! If you are a science fiction fan and like using your brain while watching a thriller show, you must pick this series. You will be amazed to see how children are sometimes more powerful than they look and how they are so hopeful that we got to learn something from them. The series is inspiring and entertaining to watch.