The Parts You Lose is an American film with genres like thriller and action. The film stars Aaron Paul and Danny Murphy. The story centers around a criminal, played by Aaron Paul, and a deaf boy, Danny Murphy. Written by Darren Lemke and directed by Christopher Cantwell, this thriller action movie was released on March 14, 2019. And if you are a fan of genres like thriller action and are looking forward to watching the movie The Parts, You Lose, then let us know what you should know about the film before watching it.
The Parts You Lose: Movie Plot
The story is about a deaf boy and a criminal who become friends. The deaf boy named Wesley lives in a small village in Dakota and travels from his town to his school for the deaf. He is bullied by the other students in the school; he and his mother have a good mother-son relation unlike him and his father.
He comes across the criminal one day as he is lying injured; the boy helps him to recover, and friendship grows between them. While the man also helps the boy to face the bully and how to stand up to his father. But by the time when truth unravels, the boy faces difficulty trusting or be friends with the man who is a criminal.
The Parts You Lose: Movie Cast
The main characters of the story are Aaron Paul, who plays the role of the criminal, and Danny Murphy, who plays the role of a deaf boy named Wesley. Other actors starring in the movie are Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Gail, Scoot McNairy as Roonie; they both play the role of the deaf boy’s parents.
The Parts You Lose Movie Review: Is it Worth Watching?
The movie is mostly portrayed from the boy’s point of view. Wesley is a deaf boy, but he is a kind observer and very thoughtful. He carefully looks at the world, which even makes us look around us closely as he does. The wanted man and the boy first meet when the boy finds the man lying injured and in pain; being kind-hearted, Wesley helps him recover. Wesley and his father do not have a healthy relationship.
His father calls him Tiger and expects him to be the same as the name describes. Mary Winstead, who plays the role of Wesley’s mother, is sympathetic and loving towards her son, unlike his father. She has played her role very smoothly. She has spoken English and also expressive sign language in the movie and did it flawlessly. She even manages to express Ronnie’s anguish moods to the children in a less frightening way.
The story is absolutely moralistic and makes us look at the world from the child’s point of view. The writer of the movie Darren Lemke has put an impressive remark on the viewers by writing such a masterpiece.