Produced by Lou Adler and Michael White and directed by Jim Sharman, The Rocky Horror Picture Show originated in 1975 as a musical comedy horror film. Among the cast are Sharman and Richard O’Brien. Sharman co-wrote the screenplay with O’Brien. O’Brien wrote the score, the play, and the lyrics for the Rocky Horror Show, a musical stage production of 1973.
Homage to science fiction and horror B movies of the 1930s and early 1960s is featured in this production. Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Barry Bostwick, and Nell Campbell appear in the film and O’Brien.
What Happens in the Film?
This story revolves around a couple whose vehicle suddenly stops working during a heavy downpour near a castle. While looking for help, they come across a telephone. An autumn gathering usually takes place at a castle or country estate, when guests are wearing elaborate costumes. As they search the house, they discover the occupant is Dr. Frank N. Furter, a mad scientist posing as an alien who creates a living muscle man named Rocky in his lab.
In this story, a mad scientist seduces two people separately, and the servants, who take over, eventually release them. The shooting took place at Bray Studios in the United Kingdom and at Oakley Court, a former Hammer Studios site. The Hammer horror films brought back many props and sets for the film. Although the customer Sue Blane did not conduct any study for her styles, the film is both a parody and tribute to various kitschy horror and science fiction films.
The fashion trends Blane created for the film include torn fishnet tights and hair dyed in colors influenced by the style. Eager audiences at the Waverly Theater in New York City were too eager for the film. Several performance groups started across the country dressed as the characters and frequently returned to the cinemas. On the day the movie premiered, costumed fans at the King’s Court Theater in Pittsburgh also started to perform along with it. In this case, the actors mimicked the action on the screen above and behind them while harmonizing the parts they were supposed to speak.
How was the Film?
As a result of Rocky Horror’s cult following, cult films transitioned from art-house to grindhouse style in 1976. As a result of its cult following in the mid of the 1970s, the film developed into a ritual at the Waverly Theatre that is in New York. Residents of the LGBT community were early adopters of Rocky Horror’s embrace of sexual liberation and androgyny and attended shows after shows, gradually creating a fan community.
There have been many television and movie revamping of The Rocky Horror Picture Show over the years. Shows including The Simpsons, Glee, That ’70s Show, Deutschland 86, and American Dad! Do mention The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
How to Watch Rocky Horror Picture Show Online
Formerly, Hulu offered the film for streaming, but recently, the site took it down for unknown reasons. Netflix is unfortunately not your best bet if you want to watch this renowned film. The Rocky Horror Picture Show is not currently available on Netflix, even though there is tons of horror content. It is not possible to stream Rocky Horror Picture Show online, but the movie is available for purchase on several websites.
You can watch this film for a small fee on Apple TV, Vudu, YouTube Movies, and Amazon Prime Video if you have a few bucks to spare. It has also been remade in 2016 on Amazon Prime Video. Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming services may in the future provide fans with access to the film. Please enjoy the film upon purchase on the sites as mentioned above while we wait for that to happen.
Everyone is familiar with and loves Rocky Horror Picture Show. A film to be seen by every generation more than 40 years later, as it continues to be hailed as a game-changer in the entertainment industry, more than 40 years later, this movie continues to captivate audiences as each generation passes it on to the next in hopes that they will enjoy it, too.