The Silver Brumby is a family movie. This movie was released way too back in 1993. After 28 years, it still remains a movie that the whole family watches on a get-together occasion. This movie is based in Australia. This movie gained respect in people’s minds, which is an appreciation for the director and producer. Good reviews from all over the world speak for the quality of the movie.
It has got 5.8 ratings out of 10, which is pretty decent. Amazon Prime Video has had the movie in its showcase. You can watch the movie there if you have not yet.
Release: When did the Movie Hit the Theatres?
This is one of the most classy films which is still watched by its fans. The movie was released 28 years ago in 1993. The movie’s release date was September 16, 1993. This was the release date for Australia. Amazon Prime Video has had the movie in its showcase. You can watch the movie there if you have not yet.
Cast: Who All were Included in this Movie?
We need to know the director first of all. So, John Tatoulis directed this movie in 1993. The casting director had made sure that they needed a good set of actors for this movie. They chose Caroline Goodall as the lead actress in this movie. She was seen as Elyne Mitchell. She played her role brilliantly. Russell Crowe was also part of the movie and was seen as The Man.
Amiel Daemion was also part of this crew and was seen playing the role of Indi Mitchell. Johnny Raeen had done some amazing work in his past and so was picked for the role of Jock. Buddy Tyson was also picked to play the role of Darcy. You will get to see their acting skill while watching the movie.
Plot: What Happened in the Movie?
This movie has got a very fairy tale type of story. So the movie starts by showing a family in which her woman and her daughter were living. After some time, the mother starts telling her a story of a prince. The prince was the king of special types of Australian Horses. Those horses were also called the Brumby. Later in the story, the woman tells how a person wants to get all of his kingdom and those horses. Would that man be successful in his plans, or what next?
All the Details You Need to Know Before Watching
We will tell you about all of the points that you need to know before watching this movie. First of all, the story of this movie is based on a fairy tale, so that it might feel quite childish to you. This movie has not got that good use of technology while casting, which you may not find good in this technology-loving generation. Apart from that, this movie has no other faults in it. You should definitely watch it out once.