The prominent American horror drama, The Walking Dead premiered with its season 11 in August this year and is supposedly the final hit series. The television series developed by Frank Darabont has so far received a mixed reaction from the audience and critics. Inspired by the comic book series in the same name by Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard, and Tony Moore, the AMC series had entertained its viewers since its initial release back in 2010.
The ongoing season comprises a total of 24 episodes, divided into three parts of eight episodes each. With the release of the eighth episode, the first part of the current season will conclude. What are the speculations of the upcoming episode that are covered in the article? And eager fans should definitely give it a read!
Where and When will Episode 8 of The Walking Dead Season 11 be Released?
The eighth episode of season 11 is scheduled to go on air at 9.00 pm Eastern Time on AMC on October 10, 2021. The latest episodes are released a week before on AMC+, making episode 8 already telecast on the platform on October 3, 2021.
The audience has a variety of options to watch their favorite series. Those having subscriptions to AMC+ are going to enjoy the episode a week in advance of its telecast on television AMC. The live streaming can also be done by signing into the online site of AMC or its application. Other options include platforms like Sling TV, Spectrum, DirecTV, Philo TV, YouTube TV, and Apple TV.
What can be Expected from Episode 8 of The Walking Dead Season 11?
The previous episode of The Walking Dead showed how Stephanie and Eugene are able to save the son of Governor Pamela Milton from the walkers. The latter, being least considerate, get himself punched by Eugene, which takes him to prison. He is offered help by Lance on the pretext of leaving Alexandria’s location. On the other hand, the Reapers, unable to find the group of Maggie, are agitated.
Meanwhile, Maggie and Negan are preparing to attack Meridian with the skills of Whisperers to free the place from the Reapers. They get into the conversation where Negan confesses of doing things differently upon being given a chance and try to resolve the issues as they plan to move towards Meridian.
The upcoming episode 8 of this season of The Walking Dead has been titled- For Blood and has been penned by Erik Mountain while directed by Sharat Raju. The story will show the Repears trying to defend Meridian from the danger. Will they be successful in their attempt? The answer will be uncovered in the episode itself. Meanwhile, Pope becomes aware of the attack on Meridian and tries to figure out the culprit behind it, thus making Daryl cautious and proceed carefully.
On the other hand, after getting hit by the storm, the Alexandrians are now susceptible to the attack by the walkers and should do anything to safeguard themselves.
Since the episode will be the finale to the first part of season 11, a major twist is expected to progress the story.