The series The Walking Dead: World Beyond comes under the genre of serial drama, horror and Zombie apocalypse. Along with Matthew Negrete Scott, M. Gimple is also associated with the creation of the series. The Newton Brothers are composing the series. The production companies of the series are renowned around the globe, and these are none other than AMC Studios and Skybound Entertainment.
Gale Anne Hurd, Scott M. Gimple, Brian Bockrath, Mathew Negrete, David Alpert and Robert Kirkman are the executive producers of the series. Annet Mahendru, Aliyah Royale, Ted Sutherland, Hal Cumpston, Julia Ormond, Pollyanna McIntosh, Joe Holt, Alexa Mansour, Jelani Alladin, Nico Tortorella, Natalie Gold and Nicolas Cantu are featured in the series as well.
The Walking Dead: World Beyond Season 2 Episode 10 Release Date
The release date of season 2, episode 10 of the series, is confirmed, and it is December 5, 2021. Every new episode of the series will come on Sunday, and the timing in India when the upcoming episode will be released at 8:30 am.
Where to Watch The Walking Dead: World Beyond Season 2 Episode 10?
Episode 10 of season 2 of the series is accessible on AMC. You can also check out YouTube to enjoy the upcoming episode of the series. Apart from these platforms, if you have an Amazon Prime subscription, you can easily watch the upcoming episode of the series as well.
Who Will Be a Part of The Walking Dead: World Beyond Season 2 Episode 10?
A bunch of talents has been featured in the series, including Gale Anne Hurd, Scott M. Gimple, Brian Bockrath, Mathew Negrete, David Alpert and Robert Kirkman are the executive producers of the series. Annet Mahendru, Aliyah Royale, Ted Sutherland, Hal Cumpston, Julia Ormond, Pollyanna McIntosh, Joe Holt, Alexa Mansour, Jelani Alladin, Nico Tortorella, Natalie Gold and Nicolas Cantu.
Along with Matthew Negrete Scott, M. Gimple is also associated with the creation of the series. The Newton Brothers are composing the series. The production companies of the series are renowned around the globe, and these are none other than AMC Studios and Skybound Entertainment.
Is There Any News Of The Walking Date: World Beyond?
The Walking Date: World Beloyd is a Marvelous one that led to the makers thinking about the fate of the series. There are no updates from the makers regarding the release of another season of the series, but they can think over it because the series got so many positives from the audience as well.
Covid hampered everything, and the films were also not an exception. After the situation normalized, the series came back on track. All the new episodes of The Walking Date: World Beyond are coming on Sunday, and the fans are really happy to see the episodes of the series. Also, I advise you to keep yourself updated with the latest movies and series by checking our website as well.