This is Us, an American family drama recurring series, is an NBC original show, with six seasons under its belt. It first premiered on 20 September 2016, created by Dan Fogelman.
Release Date And Time
This is Us season 6 episode 18, which would most probably be a season finale, airs on May 24, 2022, Tuesday, at 9 PM Eastern standard times, 6 AM Indian standard time of the next day a, and 1 AM Greenwich standard time of the next day. The episode would be about 42 minutes long.
Where To Watch It?
This is us can be watched on tv on NBC, only for Americans. It could also be watched on the official NBC site or the NBC app. For the rest of the world the, series is on several different streaming platforms, like Amazon Prime Video, Disney plus Hotstar, fubo TV, Peacock, Netflix, etc, It could also be rented or purchased on Amazon Instant Video, Google Play, iTunes, and Vudu.
About The Show
This is a heartwarming, genuine, and high emotional series about a family and their own lives. The show flashes back and forward in time, showing how things used to be, and how things got the way they did. In the past, we meet a lovely couple, Jake and Rebecca, they are this beautiful yet real couple who you just can’t help but love.
Rebecca gets pregnant and they find out that they are having triplets but unfortunately due to some complications, they lose one of their children, Kyle. So, they decide to adopt a black infant left at the hospital and raise him as their own. Back to the present, we meet the triplets, Kevin, Kate, and, Randall. We delve into their lives, careers, personal lives, and, issues. This is how the whole series goes as we pop back and forth between Jack and Rebecca their story, them raising “The big three” as Jack calls them. Later they get jobs and get married and have kids and families of their own along with their relationships with Rebecca, and each other.
As the show moves through seasons we even get flashes of the future, about where these characters are and their kids growing up and doing what the last two generations did. This is a special show with a massive impact. It teaches so much about life as we watch these characters grow and fall in love, go through heartbreaks, all the pain, some happy times, some difficult times and some just heartfelt times makes this show so important to people.
Season 6: The Final Chapter Episode 18: Us
This episode is not just the last episode of the season but of the whole series as it is coming to the end. Pretty sure this isn’t at all a surprise or anything but I do grab a bunch of tissues because it would be more than needed. The show has been making people cry all the time so ‘the series finale’ is gonna break dams and there’s def be some floods all around.
Although the official synopsis and promo express what might happen or what big twist might play in the end. Nonetheless, there are going to be a lot of flashbacks in the past and in the future where Rebecca is on her deathbed. The big three are probably going to discover something new and understand something more about life with all of us.