The real-life documentary Tiger King, also known as Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness, is the Netflix Original show that premiered with its first season in March last year. Rebecca Chaiklin and Eric Goode have directed the series, and joining these two are Fisher Stevens and Chris Smith as the show’s executive producers.
With a break of more than a year, the series was renewed in September this year and is set to air this month. The story that focuses on the sensitive issue of the atrocities committed on tigers and how conservationists like Carole Baskin are trying their best to save them was received fairly well by the viewers with a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 89% a score of 75/100 on Metacritic.
This real-life story makes a favorable watch for the audiences, and its second installment information can be found in this article.
What To Know Before Watching Tiger King Season 2?
What will continue in this second edition is the tale of a feud between a zoo owner and the head of the tiger rescuing company, where Joe Exotic, the zoo owner, is put in prison and the CEO Carole Baskin is closing in the ownership of the zoo.
What will be revealed are the dark secrets, motives, and the behind stories about this animal owner from America. As the audience just thought that they knew what was happening, the story will continue with its twisted course.
Who Can All Be Expected In Tiger King 2?
Many names are set to make a comeback in this season of Tiger King. They are Jeff Lowe, his wife Lauren, James Garretson, Allen Glover, and Tim Stark, as the business rivals of Joe Exotic. The Tiger King, Joe Exotic, will also be seen along with Carole Baskin, the latter’s role still in doubt to be confirmed.
Is There A Trailer For Tiger King 2?
Well, as the series is just around the corner to be launched with the second edition, the trailer is definitely out diving deep into the story and showing that what we witnessed in the previous season was just the tip of the iceberg. The trailer threw light on Joe Exotic’s prison serving, and the part where he seeks pardon from President Trump will also be seen in the series this time.
It will also reveal what happened to Carole Baskin’s husband and the mystery surrounding it as well as focus on other cat owners from the prior season.
When And Where Will Tiger King Season 2 Release?
The second season of the show is ready to be released on Wednesday, November 17, 2021. Being a Netflix Original, it will exclusively be available to watch on streamer Netflix. All the episodes will be released together, making it an idle binge-watch for the weekend.
No other platforms for its viewing would be available as of now. If anyone happens to miss the previous season, then they can enjoy it too on Netflix. All the episodes can also be downloaded for later viewing as well.