The series Walker follows the adventures and struggles of a single father with two children. Season 1 premiered on January 21, 2021, while Season 2 premiered on October 28, 2021. Season 2 is still on the run with a few episodes on air.
Episode 10 of Walker Season 2 is the last aired episode of the current season. We know that Walker fans can’t keep fans for the airing of the next episode – Walker Season 2 Episode 11. Therefore, we have brought you everything you need to know about the new episode in our article.
Follow the article to learn about the release date of Walker Season 2 episode 11, the cast, and what to expect from the new episode.
Release Date
The Episode 11 of Walker Season 2 will release on March 10, 2022. The previous episode of the season aired on March 3, 2022.
What To Expect After A Long Hiatus?
Walker Season 2 is back with a new episode after 8 days since the release of the last episode. There are a few things we can predict for Episode 11. But before that, let’s first catch a quick recap on the previous episode.
Previously on Walker Season 2, a ranger goes missing, and it is up to Walker to investigate the case. The missing ranger is Miles, who is suspected of being involved with a criminal gang dealing with stolen cars. Captain Larry assumes that Miles is dead.
Walker is looking for a stolen car, but he is mistaken for a thief by another ranger. The other ranger tased Walker and dunked him in the car’s trunk for interrogation. After confirming with Captain Larry, Walker’s identity is revealed to the new character, Ranger Cassie Perez.
Cassie is also investigating solo after her partner Miles went missing. Larry assigns Cassie as the new partner for Walker. Later, Cassie visits Walker’s home to know more about her new partner and comes to learn about Walker’s former partner.
Gail Davidson confronts Abby Walker. She also opens up with Geri about losing people precious to her. Meanwhile, August Walker advises Colton to wait patiently when it comes to romance. Colton likes Stella, but Stella has her eyes on Todd. Later, Gail pays a visit to Abby to have a conversation about their late husband.
Walker and Cassie locate the base of the car-stealing gang. The gang is busted after an intense fight. Cassie admits to Walker that she isn’t carrying her firearm because she believes her gun was used to kill her former partner, Miles.
Larry lifts Cassie’s suspension, and she officially becomes Walker’s partner. Cassie advises Walker not to stay put when it comes to romance and approach Geri. The episode ends with a happy ending as Walker is no more alone and Cassie gets a new partner.
In episode 11 of Season 2, it will be revealed that Walkers are living on Davidson’s land after Liam checks the old records. We expect Walker to successfully start things with Geri and both of them spending time together. It will be tough for Walker to open up about his new affair with his family. However, he needs to do the job before getting caught by them.
The new season includes some recurring characters from season 1 as well as some new faces. The top cast of the show includes Jared Padalecki (Cordell Walker), Molly Hagan (Abeline Walker), Keegan Allen (Liam Walker), Violet Brinson (Stella Walker), Kale Culley (August Walker), Corby Bell (Larry James), Jeff Pierre (Trey Barnett), Lindsey Morgan (Micki Ramirez), Odette Annable (Geri Broussard), Mitch Pileggi (Bonham Walker), and Ashley Reyes (Cassie Perez).
Where to Watch?
You can catch the new episodes of the show on The CW on Thursdays at 8 pm ET. You can also stream the show online on Amazon Prime and Vudu.