The 2019 crime drama movie “We Die, Young,” directed by Lior Geller, is a sweet mix of children’s movies and hood movies. The movie follows Lucas, a 14-year-old Hispanic boy, and his brother Miguel as they get caught up in the violent crime scene of Washington, DC, for over a day. Lucas is not happy with how his life turned out and will do anything to keep his younger brother from going down the wrong path. But when Daniel, an Afghan war veteran looking for drugs, shows up in town, Lucas and Miguel see a chance to escape their lives and make a change.
Lucas takes on his gang leader mentor with the help of Daniel. With action star Jean-Claude Van Damme playing a key role, the package is gritty, exciting, and full of amazing stunts.
The movie takes place in the suburbs of Washington, DC, where drug dealers and gangs of all colours and sizes rule the streets. But you might wonder if that’s where the movie was shot since movies often fool people by making one place look like another. If you want to find the places where the movie was filmed, we can point you in the right direction.
We die Young Filming locations
The movie “We Die Young” was shot in Sofia, Bulgaria, and Washington, DC, in the United States. Filming started in October 2018 and was done by November of that year. Most of the filming for “Rambo: Last Blood” was done by Ivan Vatsov, who worked in the camera department. On the other hand, the production design was done by Valentin Kolev and Arta Tozzi, who was the art director for “The Protege.” Bulgaria has a state-of-the-art industry infrastructure that can handle productions of any size or level and is a great place for filmmakers and producers looking for unique locations.
Bulgaria has both mountains and plains near the coast, so it can stand in for other places. As a cherry on top, the country offers a 20% tax rebate on qualified production costs, which makes the favourable currency exchange rate seem even more profitable. So, Bulgaria has become one of the most important places in the world for making movies. Now, we’ll take you to the exact places where the movie was shot.
Sofia, Bulgaria
Almost all of the filming took place in Sofia, which is the capital of Bulgaria and has a long history of being rich. The metropolis is located at the base of Vitosha Mountain. It has a great atmosphere and bright, sunny weather, which have helped the film industry grow. Van Damme was in the city for 11 days, from October 22 to November 1, 2018, to finish his part of the shoot. Most of the scenes were shot in a studio, where the cast and crew were free to shape the environment.
The crew seems to have taken over Nu Boyana Film Studios, which has been in the city since 1962 and is known as a classic independent film studio. It is in the Cinema Center Boyana, which is at 84 Kumata Street. From “London Has Fallen” to “The Expendables 2,” many action blockbusters, especially ones with ties to Eastern Europe, were filmed in the famous studio.
Most of the filming took place on a standing set that was built just for the movie. The cast and crew put together the Washington DC Hood set, which was run by gangs. The team also set up shoots in a set of an Alabama town, a set of an American town, and a set of a prison camp.
Washington, District of Columbia
Since most of the movie takes place in a sketchy part of Washington, DC, the cast and crew had to go to the city to film some scenes outside. Some of the first clips show The White House, which is where the president of the United States lives. It is in Washington, DC, at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue North West. The camera also takes pictures of the Lincoln Memorial at 2 Lincoln Memorial Circle North West and the Washington Monument at 2 15th Street North West in the city. The actors and crew brought the set neighbourhood to life by putting in famous landmarks from real life.