Wentworth is an Australian drama TV series released back in the year 2013. The series takes place in the present time with a story set in the past. A number have written a series of writers such as Reg Watson, Lara Radulovich, and David Hannam. The series is inspiring and fascinating, and the writers know how to keep their audience on the edge of their seats.
The Cast of the New Season
This series cast a number of fine entertainers who know how to do their job and create a substantial impact on the audience. In the 9th episode, we can see most of the cast members from the previous season:
- Kate Atkinson plays the role of Vera Bennett
- Robbie J. Magasiva plays the role of Will Jackson.
- Katrina Milosevic plays the role of Susan Jenkins, also known as Boomer.
- Pamela Rabe plays the role of Joan Ferguson, also known as “ The Freak.”
- Kate Jenkinson plays the role of Allie Novak.
- Bernard Curry plays the role of Jake Stewart.
- Leah Purcell plays the role of Rita Connors.
- Susie Porter plays the role of Marie Winter.
Speculation of 7th Episode
Wentworth is a very famous Australian television drama series, and the ninth season is expected to be serving as the ending of this series. The show made a substantial impact on its audience because it shows the real image of prison life. The series is based on the present time, but the story is set in the past. The show managed to capture its target audience as it has an interesting story and the characters are very well written. In the sixth episode of Wentworth, the audience sees Allie doing her daily routine while being in a wheelchair.
And we saw a new prison inmate who calls herself Eve Wilder. As the plot develops for the episode, it is revealed that he takes her help so that he can cure her biological child. Currently, the fans are waiting tirelessly and wondering what might happen in the seventh episode of Wentworth. Sadly, to disappoint the show’s fans, there is no information related to the seventh episode of the show. We can expect that the creators of the show do not want to release any spoiler or preview of the new episode so that they can keep their audience on their toes.
Release Date and Where to Watch
The popular Australian TV series is a drama loved by the audience, and they have shown immense love and support in this season as well. The drama series’ seventh episode is expected to be released this Tuesday, that is, on October 5, 2021. The time it will be released is expected to be 8: 30 P. M. Eastern Standard Time (EST).
The episode of the drama series is premiered in Australia only, and the American and British fans have to wait for the season finale to watch the drama show because only Netflix has the streaming rights of the show and the newest season of the show will be available for streaming only after the season has ended. The fans may expect this show to be available on other popular OTT platforms because the show is very famous and has managed to gain a global audience and a massive fan following.
However, it can be difficult because Netflix is one of the oldest OTT platforms which provides streaming services to almost every country in the world, and they would not like to give the streaming rights of this popular drama series.