The family reunion is an American comedy TV series created by Meg DeLoatch, and it was available exclusively only on Netflix on July 10, 2019. The series revolves around an African-American family traveling from Seattle, Washington to Columbus, Georgia, for the McKellan family reunion. They eventually decided to reside nearer to their family.
We can see Tia Mowrt, Anthony Alabi, Talia Jackson, Isiah Russell-Bailey, Cameron J. Wright, Jordyn Raya James, and Loretta Devine in the cast. This show narrates what a black person means to be in the USA. It also teaches the audience about having new relationships, facing new obstacles in one’s life, and life lessons.
Release Date
Family Reunion Part 4 is available for streaming only on Netflix from 26th August 2021. The fourth season of the fan-favorite family show will be available to stream on Netflix at 12:01 A.M. PT, 3:01 A.M. ET, and 12:31 P.M. IST. The streaming rights of the TV series have not been distributed to other OTT platforms. Therefore this family series will not be available for streaming on other entertainment platforms such as Hulu, Disney+ Hotstar, HBO Max, and Amazon Prime Video.
Is it Worth the Wait?
The Family Reunion is a show enjoyed by the family members because it features the diverse experience and image of an African- American family who laughs hard and loves harder. Meg DeLoatch, the creator of the show, said that “ The show has been written by an all African- American crew, who have carefully interworked their affairs and experiences into comedy, current events, and what it means to be black in America today, as well as in the past. The critics positively reviewed the show as it makes the adults and the kids think between the laughs.
The audience has also shown a positive response towards the show because there are many shows full of racism and discrimination. Still, this show is entertaining as well as it conveys positive messages to the audience, such as faith, empathy, diversity, gender equality, and self-love. Like the critics, the audience also loves how the show fights the negative stereotypes surrounding a black family in America.
Apart from coping with racism and discrimination, the show also reveals the complexity of modern parenting, the importance of communicating with your family members, and the significance of having a cultural heritage. The family reunion is the perfect show you can binge-watch by yourself, watch with the family members, and with the kids as minimal cursing and slight violence. In all, the family reunion can be binge-watched, and the fourth season is worth the waiting.
An Expected Plot of the Fourth Part
In the fourth part of the series, the audience can expect the series to continue from where the family lived in the third season. It will be out of the ordinary to watch M’ Dear and Jade adapting as they have a lot of experience determining their views. We can also see Shaka slowly finding his enthusiasm, and a successful entry into a science program will make him more self-assured and allow him to have a clearer preference about his life and goals.
We can also see some lessons on modern parenting as Moz and his siblings are all full-grown up, and it would be fun to see how the parents take care of them now.