Starring Ashley Green and Shawn Ashmore, Aftermath is a 2021 American horror mystery released on Netflix. Aftermath has created quite a stir with its thriller plot and association with true events, directed by Peter Winther. The plot revolves around a young couple who are offered to live in a house that has a mysterious and chilling past. To build their relationship and start afresh, the couple decides to move in and experience supernatural and mysterious happenings around them. The film has received a mixed response from the critics and audience; however, Aftermath has been one of the very few horror mysteries of 2021.
Where to Watch
The Aftermath was released internationally on Netflix on August 4, 2021. The film is not released theatrically and had a digital release on Netflix. And film was released on Netflix across different countries like the USA, Canada, India, France, United Kingdom, Canada, etc. The film is not available across digital platforms like Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, etc. One can watch the films on Netflix freely by selecting the free trials option for a month, after which one has to subscribe to Netflix for INR 199, 299, 699, and 799 for monthly streaming.
The Aftermath can also be downloaded or watched online on various servers from different sites such as 123 movies and fmovies. However, these come with many drawbacks, such as not being authorized, plagiarized, illegal content, and virus issues. The Aftermath can be watched easily in the comfort of our homes or anywhere, with friends and family on Netflix without much hassle when theatrical releases are on edge dur to the Covid 19 pandemic that has made the world come to a standstill. Aftermath is exclusively released on Netflix and is not available on other platforms like Hulu, HBO Max, Amazon Prime Video, or YouTube. However, one can see the trailer of the movie on YouTube and Netflix.
Next Seasom Updates
There has been no confirmation on the making of a sequel or subsequent parts of Aftermath. Remember that Aftermath is a 2021 Horror mystery on Netflix and cannot be confused with Keira Knightley’s The Aftermath, released in 2018, or Arnold Schwarzenegger’s thriller film Aftermath, released in 2017. Even though the film has mixed reviews from the critics and audiences, a sequel can be expected entirely from the directors and producers of the film. As of now, Aftermath remains an exclusive film on Netflix without any seasons or subsequent parts that are yet to come and continues to hook people on their TV and Mobile screens with a chilling plot based on real life.