American animation superhero fantasy TV show “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” is a sequel to the series from 1983–1985’s He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. With director Kevin Smith behind the helm, Powerhouse Animation Studios is responsible for producing the television show.
Notwithstanding the current status of The New Adventures of He-Man, the TV series highlights the unsolved plots from the original 1983 show. The American animation will continue with the characters’ stories from where they last ended.
About the First & Second Installment of the Show
With an official declaration at Power-Con in 2019, the TV series’ team talked about the lead-up to the show, alongside the release of a teaser poster, and even gave out a short overview of the plot. The team also announced that the season of this TV show would be out in two parts. The first one aired on Netflix on July 23, 2021, and got a lot of appreciation from critics. The second part of the fantasy animation came out recently, on November 23, 2021.
Where and When to Catch Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part 2?
The Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part 2 was out on Tuesday, November 23, at 12:00 AM PT (Pacific Timing). Undoubtedly, viewers from all around the globe will face the varying time schedule of release. So for ease of understanding and to remove any confusion about the tike zones, here are the precise timings for the “Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part 2” release:
- Pacific Time: 12 AM PST
- Central Time: 2 AM CST
- Eastern Time: 3 AM EST
- British Time: 9 AM BST
- European Time: 10 AM CEST
- Indian Time: 1:30 PM IST
- Australia Time: 5:30 PM ACST
Viewers can also find both the first and second parts of Masters of the Universe: Revelation on Netflix. All those who already have a Netflix subscription can avail the online streaming of the show and can watch the upcoming episodes as and when they are released.
What did the Former Installment of “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” Conclude With?
Part one was based on the dead Prince Adam, played by Chris Wood. With the aim of helping out his friends, the prince was preceding eternal paradise when he got stabbed by a returning Skeletor, played by Mark Hamill. Until the mid-season finale, the TV series had already established a plausible scenario of Adam falling out and facing death again, provided the fact that the prince could come back from the dead only once.
With this plot, the latter part of the animation series puts forth an easy route to bypass the quandary at hand. Now the question before the audience is whether the Skeletor will get his hand at He-Man’s legendary power of Grayskull?
Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part One and Two – Total Episodes
Netflix earlier verified that the first season would have a total of 10 episodes. But rather than airing all episodes in one go, the show is now out in two parts. The first five episodes were out this July and are currently present on Netflix, and the remaining five will be out this November. Every episode runs for 25-30 minutes.