The Loud House is an American animated comedy movie. It has only one season, released on August 20, 2021. This movie is based on the series The Loud House by Nickelodeon. This movie is produced by Chris Viscardi, directed by Dave Needham, and written by Kevin Sullivan and Chris Viscardi. The film originally streamed on Netflix. The story is about a family who went on a vacation in Scotland. Then the whole story revolves around how they spend their family vacation.
Story Plot
Story open with Rita and Lynn Loud Sr. meeting on a crosswalk and just by looking build feeling for each other. Then they got married and bought a house for themselves. And they had 11 children. Then we saw a present scenario, where Lincoln (their only son) was telling Lily (youngest child) how to obtain the breakfast (burrito). So Lincoln makes his sisters expect Lily to move out of the house so that he and Lily can have their breakfast burrito.
But sister came and took their burrito, and they quickly hid under the table with their breakfast while other sisters were fighting for the left over. Then Rita stopped the fight and told that she has a pageant recital and others said they had some work to complete on that day. So Lincoln gives the entire family member their pieces of equipment, and the entire family started working on completing their piece of work. As the sun was setting, sisters all children were sitting at Lynn’s table and eating; some people recognize them and ran towards them.
In confusion, Lincoln was separated from his family. And in excitement, scoots by mistake took Lincoln outside the door and the door was by mistake locked. Standing near the window, Lincoln was noticing that his sister is loved by all and feels very nice. Then they went to Clyde’s home, where Lincoln got emotional and told his friends that he would never leave his sister and always be available for them. To comfort Lincoln, Clyde gave him a cream puff which he made himself.
After having one bite, Clyde started to cry as he thinks that he does not have any skills. Then Clyde told that this baking skill is inherent in his family, and his (Clyde) grandmother’s ancestors were also good at baking. At night, Lincoln asked his parents about their ancestors. Rita knew, but Lynn didn’t know about them. He expressed his feeling for visiting their ancestor’s place and to know more about them. They tried searching for Lynn’s ancestors and found that they are from Scotland. And they decide on a trip to Scotland.
They reached Scotland after a long road trip. Lori decided to contact Bobby, but their voice was cracking, and due to some confusion, bobby also decided to land in Scotland. Children asked the fishermen how to can for Lynn’s ancestors. They got to know from the citizen that they are in Loch loud, the town of their ancestors. The citizen took them to their ancestor’s castle.
They took a tour of the castle and got to know many things about their ancestors. Those pictures looked the same as Loud’s family. Then the entire story is based on the Louds visiting places in Scotland.
Where to Watch
The Loud House movie was produced by Nickelodeon production house, but Netflix has originally released this movie on August 20, 2021. So all Netflix subscribers can watch this movie. So far, we are only confirmed about the movie to be released on Netflix. Still, we can expect that movie might be released on some other sites (if it is not released there so far) like Hulu, Amazon Prime, Google Play, Youtube, Microsoft Store, etc., or may be available for rent.