The Masked Singer is a popular reality singing competition produced by Rosie Seitchik and Nick Cannon. The show premiered on 2nd January 2019. This show has been a great success and has already released two spin-offs and several other shows related to the series. In this show, popular celebrities and personalities perform without revealing their identity. Instead, the participants are dressed from head to down in a particular costume that helps them hide their identity from the viewers. However, the eliminated candidates are allowed to take off their costumes and disclose their identity in the show.
The winner of the first season of the series was T-Pain, who was costumed as Monster, while for the second season, it was Wayne Brady. The winner of the third season was Kandi Burruss, portrayed as Night angel, and for the fourth season, LeAnn Rimes was portrayed as Sun in the series. And for the fifth and sixth seasons, we had Nick Lashley and Jewel (Piglet and Queen of Hearts) as the show’s winners. If you are a fan of The Masked Singer’s series, you must be curious to know who got eliminated from Episode 1. Let’s look at the first episode of the seventh season of this popular reality singing competition.
When Was Episode 1 Released?
Well, on 20th February 2022, we had a sneak peek of this amazing reality show competition for the fans. The first episode of the seventh season was officially released on 9th March 2022.
We have fifteen contests in the series, which were further divided into 3 three teams in the show. Episode 2 of the show will be released on 16th March 2022. So you can enjoy the show at 8.00 pm according to Eastern Time on Wednesday.
Who Got Out From Episode 1 Of The Show?
So, on the very 1st episode itself, one of the contests was eliminated from the show due to fewer votes. Although he performed well and tried his best, perhaps the fans and judges were not very impressed. The one who was eliminated from the first episode was McTerrier. We got to see that Duff Goldman was behind the McTerrier mask in season 7, episode 1.
Episode 1 Recap
Like every other season, season 7 of the reality show started with excitement, cheers, and applause. We had a sneak peek of season 7 before the launch of the first episode at 7.00 pm on Wednesday. Following week, the first episode of the show was released, where we got to see three teams in the seventh season. The Good, The Bad, and The Cuddly were the three-team who performed in the 1st episode of this reality singing competition. Unfortunately, Team Good is losing for now, as we had seen Goldman eliminated from season 7 of this series.
Where Can You Watch This Show?
source: Entertainment Weekly
You can enjoy this reality singing competition show everywhere easily. The Masked Singer is quite popular among fans, and it’s easily available to stream on multiple online platforms. However, the official site to enjoy this show is Fox Tv or Website. Apart from Fox, you can watch Fubo Tv, Hulu Tv, Sling Tv, DirecTv, and Spectrum.