Wonder is a 2017’s emotion-provoking movie that is based on R.J Palacio’s novel of the same name, Wonder. The movie revolves around the central character named August Pullman or Auggie, who is born with a genetic abnormality. This abnormality is called Treacher Collins Syndrome, where the victim has to go through several surgeries as well as medical treatments.
This role is magnificently played by Rocky Denis, where it is impossible to recognize who is behind the makeup. As always, thanks to all the makeup artists who made the look seem so real.
What is All There in the Movie?
So if you are a person who wants to watch an inspiring movie filled up with emotions, then this could be the right choice for you. Director Stephen Chbosky, known for Perks of Being a Wallflower, has made this genuinely moving story great. Let’s give you little highlights about the movie without giving out the spoilers.
The story revolves around August, who suffers from a disease that makes him look disfigured and different from the other kids of his age. But he is like all other normal kids who like Star Wars, Xbox, and Minecraft. His admiration towards science can also be observed with his great sense of imagination.
Who All Makes the Plot a Strong One!
Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson as parents have played phenomenal roles. Auggie has got an adorable family who is always there standing by him. August’s mother has sacrificed her career just to provide home schooling to her son, and his older sister puts him at the center of the family while keeping her emotional worries aside.
Everything seems happy and safe until Auggie has to face the world. Besides the life of August, the story also reflects the story of each kid waging his/her own internal war while going through the phase of adolescence.
How will the Movie Transform You?
So the day comes when August goes to school but unfortunately cannot skip the bullying as he is called Barf Hideous due to his appearance. The journey is all about transformation, not externally but internally. Stephen Chbosky reflects the story to bring forth the definition of what normal is in reality. The judgments society passes are nothing when you know your true potential. Every other or different person is normal.
The movie’s inspirational message justifies its title as what Wonder means in actuality. After the release of the movie, Craniofacial Association ordered thousands of its copies. There is no single emotion rather mixed emotions that build up during the movie, and among them, the most significant is empathy.
It is a recommended movie, especially for the kid, because the teachings should start early. If we were to learn the importance of emotions rather than the external beauty from childhood, then the act of racialism or any judgment would not have ever occurred.
Hence, this movie is for sure worth watching! It will kick the empathetic emotion in each of you. And maybe from then on, you might not judge people through their external beauty!