Young Rock is among the most popular sitcom produced by Jeff Chiang and Jennifer Carreras. The show premiered on 16th February 2021. This famous American sitcom is inspired by the life of Dwayne Johnson and his professional life.
If you are wondering how the show got its name then, you should know that Johnson is well known by his ring name ‘The Rock’. That’s how the show got its name. It is mostly based on the life of Johnson when he was young.
When season 1 of the Young Rock aired on the television screen, expectations of having a second season were quite low. But, now there is even speculation going on for the 3rd season due to its high ratings and popularity. Of course, fans of the series Young Rock are excited about the next season and some are confused as well about the storyline. So, Let’s have a look at season 2 of the sitcom Young Rock including its release date and streaming details.
Season 2 Release Date
The second season of this American sitcom was released on 15th March 2022. You can enjoy the episode at 8.00 pm according to the Eastern Time every Tuesday. Before the release of the episode, the show has also released an episode for the viewers on 15th December which was titled ‘The Christmas Peril’. The third episode of the show is set to be released on 22nd March 2022. You can enjoy the third episode at the same time on Tuesday on your preferred platform.
Should You Stream It Or Skip It?
You should definitely stream this season, especially if you have watched the first season of Young Rock. The first season of this series was the most-watched comedy show and also got the highest rating of the year. The series has a beautiful storyline, incredible acting, and a wonderful portrayal of the life of Dwayne Johnson. Even if you did not watch season 1, you should also stream it. It will teach you wonderful life lessons and experience of sports.
Is This Season Worth Watching?
The best part of this series is that people of all ages could enjoy and get inspired by the series. The show has the perfect blend of comedy, heartwarming stories, and childhood adventure for the viewers. You will get to see all the stages of the life of Johnson from football to wrestling and learn the family values from the series. Overall, the show is totally worth watching and who knows at the end of the show you might become a huge fan of Johnson too.
Where Can You Watch Season 2 of the Show?
If you are thinking about where to watch season 2, you can enjoy it easily on the NBC platformlike the previous season. Season 2 of this popular sitcom will also air a new episode every Tuesday on the NBC network. Even if you missed the timing, you can enjoy the episode the next day on Peacock Tv and Hulu Tv with the subscription. Also, the first season of this American series is also available to stream on Amazon Prime Video.