The anime adaptation of light novel series in the same name by Asato Asato and published by ASCII Media Works, 86 Eight-Six, have throughly entertained the audience with its scientific-fiction genre through the last year. The first half of the series aired in April of 2021, while the other half went on screens from October 2021. Aniplex has produced the show.
The show was initially released in Japan but subsequently was dubbed by Crunchyroll in various languages like English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and French for audiences in different world regions. But the news about the delay of the show’s last few episodes has upset the fans, and we are here to tell you everything about this halt.
Why is There a Delay in the Release of Episode 23 of 86 Eight-Six?
As the popular anime show 86 Eight-Six is nearing its ending, the avid fans of the show will be disheartened to learn that the final few episodes of the same won’t be coming out any time soon. Yes, this includes episode 23 and is unlikely to grace our screens in the coming weeks or months. The news about the show’s delayed airing was informed to the viewers on December 23 last year by the makers.
The prime reason stated by them for the said delay was to maintain the quality of the content they offer their viewers. However, to make fans relish the show’s finale, they would need some time, eventually leading to a delay in the broadcasting.
When will Episode 23 of 86 Eight-Six finally be Out?
The finale episodes of the show, i.e., 23 and 24, are not to be out anytime soon. So yes, the fans should brace themselves for waiting for a little longer this time around to enjoy the ending of their beloved series. Episode 23 of 86 Eight-Six will now be released on Saturday, March 12, 2022.
At What Time will Episode 23 of 86 Eight-Six be Released?
It is known that when the anime returns in March with its episode 23, it will stick to its usual release schedule on the Tokyo MX network in Japan. Elsewhere, Crunchyroll will be broadcasting the episode at the usual time of 12:30 PM EST,9:30 AM PST, 5:30 PM GMT, 6:30 PM CET, 1:30 AM PHT, and 11 PM IST.
Thus, now that you have a clearer picture of when episode 23 air, you just have to wait patiently to get ready for the epic finale!
How Far has the Anime 86 Eight-Six Been Liked?
The anime 86 Eight-Six received good feedbacks from the day it was premiered and went on to become one of the famous shows last year. The critics have equally applauded the anime, who stated it to be a masterpiece in today’s time. Thus, it answers the fans’ curiosity who are desperately waiting for the show’s final episodes to release soon!