Black Clover or Buraku Kuroba is a Japanese manga and anime series written and illustrated by Yuki Tabata. The manga was adapted as an anime in the year 2017, produced by Xebec Zwei. The anime revolves around Asta and Yuno, who were deserted at the same church on the same day in a world where people can use magic. They were raised together, and they developed a friendly rivalry when they learned about ‘ Wizard King,’ an honor awarded to the most potent wizard in the Clover realm.
As they climbed their way up the rank, the contrast between their power became crystal clear. Yuno was born with massive magic powers, whereas Asta, on the other hand, had no magical powers and solely focused on his physical might.
New-Season and the Possible Release Date
Black Clover is one of the most famous and popular manga and anime series, which has been watched and loved by fans from all over the globe. Even though there is an immense fan following, there has been no release date for the fifth season yet. The anime producers were ready to release the fifth chapter, but due to some internal reasons, they have delayed the release. Therefore, there has been no official release date, announcements for the anime series. The makers of Black Clover have released neither a teaser nor a trailer of the popular anime. Multiple rumors are being circulated on the internet about the release date, either in the year 2022 or in the second half of 2023.
The Cast of the Anime
Black Clover has three protagonists, they are:
Asta: Asta is an orphan abandoned by his mother on the outskirts of the clover kingdom. He is a misfit because he has no magical powers; he joins a squad called Black Bulls, which is comprised of misfits like Asta. He dreams of being the ‘Wizard King.’ In the sub, Asta has been voiced by Gakuto Kajiwara. In the dub version, he has been voiced by Dallas Reid.
Yuno: Yuno is also an orphan who was abandoned in the same church as Asta. Yuno could wield magical power, amazing power, and prowess. Yuno later turned out to be a former prince from Spades kingdom. He developed a friendly rivalry against his childhood friend, Asta, for ‘Wizard King.’ In the sub, Yuno has been voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki. In the dub version, he has been voiced by Micah Solusod.
Noelle Silva: Noelle Silva is one of the members of the Black Bulls squad. She had enormous magical powers, but she is afraid to use her powers because she is afraid that someone might get hurt, and she would be the reason for it. In the sub, she has been voiced by Kana Yuki. In the dub, she has been voiced by Jill Harris.
Where to Watch the Anime
Black Clover releases episodes on a weekly basis, and it has more than 100 episodes. The popular anime can be watched on multiple entertainment platforms such as Prime Video, Hulu, and adult swim. Black Clover is available on the popular anime platforms Crunchyroll and Funimation for fans living in North America. The anime is also available on Viz Media for people who prefer to watch the dubbed version. The anime can be watched without any membership on Funimation, but there will be advertisements.
The popular anime can also be viewed on Apple tv. It is also present on Youtube TV; however, the complete series is not available on the entertainment platform. Despite the anime available on so many OTT platforms, Crunchyroll and Funimation would be the best place to watch because these two platforms are dedicated solely and exclusively to anime.
Crunchyroll is available in 170 countries except for four or five countries. Funimation is available only in a few countries( the USA, Canada, the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Peru, and Colombia). In India, due to regional restrictions of the platforms, the anime is available only on Netflix India and Crunchyroll.