Anime Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai draws its inspiration from the video game franchise named Dragon Quest. It is a well-known Japanese Manga series that was originally penned by RikuSanjo and exemplified by Koji Inada. The series soon aired as a telly series that Kazuya Karasawa directed, and the penman is Katsuhiko Chiba. The first episode of the series aired on October 3, 2020, and is going on till date.
The story revolves around Dai and his quest to become the hero. Anime Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai is basically a war between Dai and King Vearn, who seems immortal. The series till now has been both thrilling and exciting and has successfully pleased the fans. The series falls under the genre of adventure, action, and fantasy. There have been a total of 57 episodes till date and if you want to know when is the next episode airing or what is upcoming in the episodes, read further.
Release Date of Episode 58
The next episode, episode number 58, will air within a week, which is on November 20, 2021.
The upcoming episode will depict the God Of the Underworld, so be prepared to witness all-new story and adventure. Dark King Vearn will also be coming in front of the fans, and yes, the fight begins. Dai, the protagonist, on the other hand, is all set to eradicate Dark King once and for all. Baran is still not given his last rites, and so his dead body will be turned into ashes by the spell from King Vearn’s mouth.
Dai fights with King Vearn but is stopped by a fire ball by the later and gets severely wounded. Popp tries to find out whether King Vearn was behind Dai’s flying but gets no clue. Maam comes to aid Dai’s wound, but Dai is senseless and is been guarded by the Hero Party when Maam tries to heal him. It is also been revealed that King Vearn uses Frizz more than Kafrizz as it makes him stronger.
As you know, King Vearn is way more powerful than Dai, Hero Party being combined, and thus Popp believes it will be better to leave than get dead. Now, will they leave? Is there no way to kill King Vearn? Will Dai allow this escape? How are they going to fight without any weapons? Some answers can never be given unless you watch the episode and find out what’s next.
Streaming Platforms
You can watch the upcoming episode on VRV and Crunchyroll at 9.30 am on November 20. Other platforms to watch the episode are Hulu and VRV through Crunchyroll online.
The cast members of Anime Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai are, AtsumiTanezaki as Dai’s voice; Toshiyuki Toyonaga as Popp’s voice; Mikako Komatsu as Maam’s voice; Yuki Kaji as Hyunckel’s voice and Saori Hayami as Leona’s Voice. For more such exciting series or news, stick to us.