The release of the anime adaptation of Rust-eater Bisco has been anticipated by fans for a long. The post-apocalyptic adventure series that takes place in a dystopic setting in Japan breaks all hell loose. Rust-Eater Bisco anime adapts its premise from Shinji Cobkubo’s light novel series, which started its original run on March 10, 2018.
K. Akagashi had illustrated it, and it has eight volumes in total. The plot unfolds in Japan, where plague-like winds are causing massive destruction. BiscoAkaboshi ventures upon the land to find a cure that will help save the country. Fans of action-adventure anime should definitely catch up with the series.
Is Rust-Eater Bisco Available On Netflix, Hulu, Or Prime?
Currently, Rust-Eater Bisco is not available for watching on the streaming giant Netflix. It is also not a part of the streaming titles on Hulu. Neither is it available on Amazon Prime Video. You can access other action-packed anime in their respective streaming catalog. Rust-Eater Bisco is currently not a part of their respective channels yet.
Is It Available On Crunchyroll Or Funimation?
You can head to Crunchyroll to watch the anime Rust-Eater Bisco. It is streaming the series as a simulcast. You need premium access to the channel to watch the episodes. New users can sign up to the platform and get a 14-day free trial. Alternatively, viewers can also watch the series on Funimation.
Subscription is required to access the episodes as they drop weekly on Mondays. Crunchyroll and Funimation are two channels that stream an extensive catalog of anime series.
Where Else Can You Watch Rust-Eater Bisco?
The European-based streaming platform, Wakanim, also has access to the title Rust-Eater Bisco. You need its premium subscription to watch the episodes. It also provides a 14-day free trial. The fan-first streaming service VRV also lets you stream this anime series.
The episodes are available on it with English subtitles and Japanese audio. Based on your requirements, you can choose the platform that is most convenient for you. Funimation and Muse Communication have licensed the show Rust-Eater Bisco. In Japan, the episodes run on the original network, ytv, BS11, and Tokyo MX.
What Is The Series About?
The plague-like wind sweeps across non-living and living beings in post-apocalyptic Japan’s sandy, arid land. Nothing is visible in the expanse except rust. Mushroom spores are considered to be the reason that has driven the plague.
“Man-eating mushroom,” or Bisco Akaboshi, travels across the arid expanse to search for an antidote to the rust. He is, however, being pursued, being a criminal archer known for growing mushrooms wherever his arrows land on the ground. In reality, Bisco is a “mushroom protector” who grows mushrooms for enriching the arid land and turning the sandy expanse to its previous condition.
On this expedition, Bisco will face various hurdles that will impede his journey. However, he will also make new friends along the way. He strives to reach the panacean mushroom, “Sabikui,” which has the inherent power of devouring all the rust. The first episode of the anime series dropped on January 11, 2022. Atsushi Itagaki has directed the series, and SadayukiMurai has scripted the screenplay.